MovieChat Forums > Spanglish (2004) Discussion > Paz sure does not look like a typical Me...

Paz sure does not look like a typical Mexican

And the girl who played her daughter sure did not look anything like her.


That's kind of does a "typical" Mexican look? There ARE some Mexicans who do not have that black hair, brown skin, and black eyes. It does get tiresome and old when ppl. assume that Hispanics or any other ethnic group are "supposed" to "look" a certain way. I have a friend who is fully Puerto Rican and has red hair, fair skin, and green eyes and she gets very tired of ignorant ppl. telling her that she "doesn't look Hispanic." There are some light-complexioned Mexicans; not all of them are dark. And Cristina did have hair black hair and black eyes. Cristina could have inherited her dark complexion from her dad.


I don't think it's that silly. Of course not all Mexicans are indigenous or mestizo, because Caucasians first invaded, then colonised, then immigrated to Latin America, with the result that all over the Americas, the more Caucasian you look, the more likely you are to have money and education. If work as a maid and don't speak any English, the odds are that you don't have a cleft chin like Ms Vega's.

The casting of a Spaniard with Caucasian features as a Mexican maid with no English reminds me of roles where in the past where Caucasians wore dark make-up to play Asian and Negro characters. It's kind of insulting. It's like saying you couldn't possibly find an Asian or black actor to play an Asian or black character.

And another thing! Christina's perfect US English couldn't possibly come from someone who supposedly just got here from Mexico and never speaks English at home. I know it takes a lot of work to make accents and grammar convincing, but it's not that much when you think about the money spent on sets, lighting, catering and so on. If the film's bilingual, isn't it worth the effort to make it easier for Spanish speakers to suspend disbelief?


Actually, Cristina already was fluent in English when she came to the States, so that point is kind of moot. Often, people who learn a certain language as a child often speak it without a foreign accent. I am sure Cristina learned English in school and possibly met some English-speaking kids.

Yeah, that is kind of dumb when they have white actors wear dark makeup to play black characters; for a role like that, then you need someone of the same race. But for Hispanic characters, since Spain is actually in Europe and Spaniards are actually Caucasians just like the English, French, Germans, Italians, and other Europeans, I think it does make sense that since Spaniards did come to Mexico and mixed in with the Native Americans that some Mexicans would have "Caucasian" features that include a cleft chin and light skin. Trust me, I have seen some full Mexicans with light skin and "Caucasian" features.

Actually, I find it insulting when ppl. assume that because someone has light skin, they don't "look" Mexican or Hispanic or whatever. It's like saying that someone from North America doesn't "look" American (which could count for most of the North American population) because they do not have Native American features. Although yes, there is sometimes discrimination against the dark-skinned, you can't say for a fact that it's an absolute that "no" light-skinned person would be in a maid's job. So I say Paz was a good person for that role; I am sure the Morenos had some Spaniard roots going way back.

In actuality, not all Asians are dark-skinned either; I see many Asians with light skin as well. And it doesn't make them any "less" Asian.

In addition, there are some Caucasians (Anglo and non-Anglo) who have dark complexions and features; I know one woman who is fully Scottish with a touch of Irish going way way back and has an olive complexion, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes.

Then even take a look at dark-featured John, Bernice, and George. Although it is unclear what exact ethnic background they are (besides white), they could pass for Hispanic themselves, or could be Irish, Italian, German, Scottish or a mix of any of these or any other Caucasian background. So it is not wise to rigidly categorize ppl. into these fixed ethnic or racial slots, esp. by their physical appearance; I do hope you don't do this in real life.


Native americans are actually classified as Caucasian even the darkest of Natives Caucasoid(caucasions) refers to skeletal structure not skin tone and the skin tone white encompasses many shades from pinkish white to olive skin(greek, middle eastern, Spaniard etc)


I agree that it is silly to use the term "typical Mexican" and it can sound quite insulting. However, I have heard that there tends to be a huge classist ditinction between mexican that look more caucasion vs mexicans that look more mestizo. This is what I have heard from people that used to live in Mexico City. The whiter you looked, the more likely you would land work in television. It is not "out of the question", but less comomon to see anglo latino's in the immigrant work force in the U.S. These kind of class distinction are common in other collonialized countries also. India for example where the "Bollywood" actors are very white. It's fu===up but it's true. So I do agree that it was poor casting.


There are white poors in Mexico, for example, at the northern states like Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Baja California. etc. white population is majority. So if you were pointing that all white people is rich in Mexico you're wrong. The richest man in Mexico, and the 2nd in the world, Carlos Slim, is dark skinned.



It was the spanish that colonized latin america first. Not caucasians. Not only are you an idiot but you are racist.


It was the spanish that colonized latin america first. Not caucasians. Not only are you an idiot but you are racist.

YOU are the idiot. Spaniards are Caucasians.


I wouldn't call anyone an idiot if I were you randir14-1. Not all of the Spaniards are Caucasian. Did you ever hear of the Moors? Not all of the Moors were Arab, and not all of them were African. Some of them were Black. Black, not Caucasian. So they are not all Caucasians. Stop calling people names. It's very childish, especially when you screw up yourself, just like you did by referring to the Spaniards as Caucasians.

I'm from this little rock called Staten Island.....



you are an idiot the term Caucasian refers to skeletal structure not skin color for instance all Indians from india are classified as Caucasian. also the skin color white is a color that has many shades from the pinkish white to the olive skin color of the greek the middle eastern and yes the latino's


news flash all and i mean ALL LATINOs are in fact caucasion. there are 3 so called races Caucasoid Negroid and Mongoloid. Latinos only fall under the Caucasoid definition

Caucasoid refers to skeletal structure not skin tone and the skin color white encompasses everything from the pinkish White you associate with the term caucasion to the Olive skin of the greeks also Indians are also Caucasian(from india)


Thank you!


Most Mexican's are Mestizo's and many Mestizo's do not look indigenous. The stereotype is that all Mexican's are dark and short. So the term "typical Mexican" is idiotic (no insult intended to the original poster).

I'm Mexican (mestizo) and many people think I'm Italian...


I think Paz is good, she even delivered a good mexican accent i think,
wht is insulting is casting a girl that hardly speaks spanish...

Nietzsche: "God is dead."
God: "Nietzsche is dead."


If you go to the Yucatan Peninsula, a lot of people look very Caucasian. To be sure, there are many that look hispanic, but I saw a lot of light skin, hair and eyes and our Mexican friends that we were visiting, (some quite fair hair and skinned) said that it was the influence of Spain, Puerto Rico, etc. on the Yucatan.

Our ability to accessorize is what separates us from the animals.
--Olympia Dukakis


Sure, but they are the minority, the majority of white people in mexico are rich.

I think they should cast an actress who would look more like the typical mexican, i mean, i know there are a lot of white, black mexican, but the typical mexican is dark skin.. And it's very true the daughter didn't look anything like her, certainly the daughter looks like a typical mexican..

If you see pictures from the premiere of the movie, Paz is as white as adam sandler, they actually make her look a little darker for the movie..

Another case is Demi lovato, she's white, but they make her look darker for her video "lo que soy", why can't they let latin people look as they are?.


"the majority of white people in Mexico are rich"

Then I should be rich ahaha!! probably meant that the majority of the people that are rich are light skinned...right? Because being white doesnt make you rich.

Been there, done that!


@flickfreakchick - the Yucatan Peninsula was heavily populated by the Lebanese/Syrians in the late 19th century all the way until the 20th century. This is why some Mexicans there look very Caucasian-like. I am sure other peoples from other places of the world settle therein, however, the Arabs have had a big role there via food, music and the like aside from the native indigenous people.


Mexicans can look like any race. However, a considerable amount of the Mexican population looks like hailing from: Southern Europe, Middle-East and Northern European. I would say 30-40% look like the aforementioned. I personally look in between Southern European and Middle-Eastern - i.e., Slim. Tall. Olive skin. Brown eyes. Roman nose. Large eyes. etc.

This is a great depiction of how I look like

I look like how Alexander the Great is drawn above ! :)



Ok, how about Kate Del Castillo (The Same Moon)?



What do "typical Mexicans" look like?


paz is not a Mexican
she was born Seville,Andalucia,Spain
maybe that has some thing to do with it


i actually think oldewill that that has a lot to do with it, and in that case, the OP should ask why a women who is mexican wasn't in that role. His/her thread suggest Mexicans look a 'typical' way and i was asking what that means. Dark hair? brown eyes? Is there more?


I would say your right with a "typical Mexican"
would be dark hair,brown eyes,brown skin
I think thats "typical"
I see what your say'n
why wouldn't she look "typical"
maybe she's not sexy enuff???????
or too sexy?????

got me??????


Not all mestizos are dark skinned, they came in all colors. Also, not all the white people in Mexico (about 9% of population or 9-12 million) are rich like the other members mentioned. I'm mestizo and I do not have brown skin.


Has anyone describing a "typical mexican" even been to Mexico? My family's from Aguascalientes which is a state right in the center of the country and short and dark skinned people are few and far between. My grandpa has light blue eyes and I'm full mexican, 6'2" with pale skin and hazel eyes. We come in all shapes and colors. If you mean most mexicans in the U.S. are usually dark skinned that's because most of the immigrants coming over now are farmers from the southern region of Mexico who's livelihood was demolished by the Free Trade Agreement. Areas of Mexico like Oaxaca, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo had far less Spanish influence then the rest of Mexico which is why people from these areas are usually short and dark, however this is a small minority of Mexico.


It's funny how so many of you are discussing skin color, when in reality racial and ethnic differences are about much more than just coloring.

Paz Vega looks Spanish, so much so, that she makes Spanish expressions with her face, moves her body and stands in typical Spanish movements. It is easy to see that she had dance training, although anyone who has ever been to Andalusia will have noticed how similar the movements of many people there are reminiscent of their dance.

I think Paz did a very good job of trying to act like a Mexican girl, but her whole persona belies her ethnicity.
As much as I like her and enjoyed this movie, I would have preferred seeing the role given to a real Mexican actress. There are many beautiful women in Mexico who would have looked better in the part.


I wouldn't downplay the short and dark, as there are 30% of Mexicans who mostly have indigenous blood. Only 10% would be considered white or mostly of Spanish descent and the other 60% is mestizo which can be any color depending on the mixture of Spanish and Indian blood.

James Franco(127 Hours)/Natalie Portman(Black Swan)/Christian Bale(The Fighter)/Melissa Leo(The Fighter)


I guess it depends what you think a "typical" Mexican looks like?? Mostly of my dad's family (who are mexican) are tall, light-skinned, light-eyed, and hair color ranges from Black to blond. What are you picturing?


Here is so you guys see how countless mexicans look like: 8974567

I hope that helps you get rid of ignorant stereotypes.

Christianity's GREATEST ally and BEST friend throughout history is Satan


I agree. The casting for this movie is all wrong.
Tea sure does not look like a typical American either.
All American women I know are overweight and 60 % of them are extremely obese.

However, Tea´s daughter in the movie really looks like a typical American.


And how does a Mexican look BTW? I only know this through movies and watched this amazing movie on HBO India and didn't notice anything amiss.


Paz looks like European like an Italian, Greek or maybe French. Most mexicans are brown mestizos
