I got my DVD !!!

I just got "Shooting Livian" in the mail, & it was every bit as good, if not better than, I expected. Everyone did a truly professional job, though I have to credit Dominic Monaghan for the most colorful, believable performance, though I am bias ; ) I don't know, you just got the feeling he wasn't even acting, he was just being his usual self. I can really seem him as Owen in another life. Loved the Lennon accents. It was little touches like that and the glasses, the "Peace Bed", the funny bits, that helped make the show for me. The father was sympathetic, I liked the drummer, girlfriend, etc. Fine soundtrack. The only fly in the ointment was Ally Sheedy, which surprised me as she is such an experienced actress. I just felt she was "phoning in" her performance. I think she could have made more of an effort.
Over all, though, I greatly enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up, & am so glad I own it on DVD : )

Peace, Juli

"Living is easy with eyes closed."
- John Lennon

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"
-- John Lennon
