I'm Confused...

I may be the only one, and maybe I should re-watch it because I was exhausted the first time I saw this film, but can someone tell me what happens in the ending?
Thanks in advance.


The guy tries to kill himself. He shoots himself in the head but mysteriously does not die. The end.
By the way the movie was empty and dragged.

Candies in a dream are a dream and not candies.


Boy, I wish someone had answered your question because I just rented this movie this weekend and I watched the whole tortured thing just to figure out what the point of it was. I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, however, I couldn't quite figure out what the point of the movie was. I do have to say it was very well made, Jason Behr was incredible as Livien, but what was the point of the movie????? Life is worth it? Love is worth it? What?????


I'm totally with you. I just rented it and feel the same way. The performances are phenomenal but I am left extremely confused. I hate it when a movie that you really want to love leaves you out in the cold that way.


It's the sort of movie where, if someone were to ask you what it was about, it would sound lame. I thought this movie was fantastic. It showed the confusion of a man with many unresolved/able issues, no sense of self, and a dying need to get outside his drab life and be something better, which he feels he cannot achieve just by being and making music. He has an impossible standard to live up to, because the most resounding words his mother ever said to him were 'I knew you'd be famous one day, and you'd make heaven on earth; just like he did.' Hence this dying need to not only live up to Lennon, but to be him. So strong is his need to fulfil his mothers wishes, that he abandons himself completely in favour of being him. Although he knew some of it was wrong and hurtful, he behaved as he thought Lennon would; how he treated women, friends, and himself, and the only times he really stops is when he talks to his father, which is just too painful, so the discourages him from trying. I also think that he worshipped Lennon to such an extent that he ends up behaving like an obnoxious *beep* because he thought that Lennon could get away with it. Hope that helped.

By the way, they never explained what drove his mother over the edge, but I reckon it was Lennon's death. What do you guys think?

Dom = Shiny
Would fangirlism be as appealing if it were healthy?


Dom, Can I just say- You worded that really well. I think that will help a lot of people grasp some things. And, yes I agree that the death of Lennon was the final straw for his mother. But, does he (Livien) die in the end or are we just not supposed to really know? I know someone had mentioned that he lives, but how do we know? He survived the initial gunshot but was laying all comatose in the hospital, and his father had said that he thought that he was "waiting for" his wife when she came in there. Waiting for her presence before he dies..? hum....


Thanks ^^ Well, he woke up, so I like to think he lived. And the closing scene suggests he has finally regained his grip on life.

Dom = Shiny
Would fangirlism be as appealing if it were healthy?


I agree that he finally regained his grip on life, but i do not think that he lived. It is common conception that when people are on their deathbed, they ultimately look back on their life in whole, and comprehend the actions that they took, both good and bad. It is one of the most horrifying fears that any human being has, they don't realize their wrong doing until it is too late and there is no chance of making the wrong right again. I believe that this is the case for the character of John Livien.


But he has a whole lot of revelations about life then says something like 'it's worth the risk' or something, so I think he meant that despite his fears, he feels life is worth the risk, and becuase his mum says 'sing for me Jonny, it doesn't matter what song' instead of 'have you come to sing for me' like she has in the rest of the movie he feels able to carry on without his paralysing fear of not living up to Lenonon or remembering that song.

Never knew what it was like to be alone on a Valentine's Day

