Quite amazing...

I just got the DVD off the internet, but I jsut wanted to say how insanely great this little film is. I was so impressed... What are some other awesome anime films that are this good?


I haven't seen this film yet, but I'd suggest Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.

- There's ALWAYS time for lubrication! -


While Bloodlust looks amazing I think the story is lacking. The original Vampire Hunter D movie with all it's faults had a way better story. It captured the apocalyptic theme a lot better.

however neither are as good as Hoshi No Koe. Quite a remarkable little movie.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


I'm no expert on anime, but a few that i've seen and really enjoyed are by Miyazaki, who for me is like the Disney of Japan. Films like Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are pretty amazing. I'm gonna see this film hopefully tomorrow so i may post back here again if my reaction is the same as everyone elses here!


If you like Miyazaki movies check out Hotaro no haka AKA Grave Of The Fireflies. Technically it's not a Miyazaki film it is by the same studio. It might make you change your attitude on the Disney of Japan statement though cause it's not at all a happy movie. It's incredibly sad actually. It's a world war 2 movie seen through the eyes of 2 young children.

As for Miyazaki's own movies I reccommend Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro and Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind. I love those 3. Still Grave Of The Fireflies surpasses them.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


another fabulous but amazingly sad anime is Hadashi no Gen.

Its quite a bit older than the Miyazaki movies mentioned above,and consequently,the animation style might look a bit 'dated' to those who havent watched any old anime,but its brilliant,nonetheless.


(too tired to look up the translation) but is this by any chance Barefoot Gen? I saw the DVD of that a few weeks back but didn't have enough money to buy it...

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


^ This.


Watch Evangelion (if you havent already)


Watch The Place Promised in Our Early Days.

By the same person who made Voices of a Distant Star.


Yes Placed Promise is amazing, Perfect Blue is another great film, Evengelion is a *beep* nut case of a show, its mad and twisted and just keeps ur eyes buzzing. Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most saddest animes of all time, i dont think i ever stopped crying. My first ever anime watched, Black Jack, that is really good, love it. Watch any of them.

Check out these: http://www.myspace.com/seanshuichi


Evangelion/Miyazaki are perfect. FLCL.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.



Kinda the same basic story, but spread over a much, much further timeline, 'bout the main pilot and her friend.

...and the ending never fails to make me tear up.


As far as short, little anime films go, Blood-The Last Vampire is another awesome anime, but it's pure horror.


In another league are the two heavy-weight classics Akira and Ghost in the Shell.
Akira is the most ambitious anime ever produced(at the time at least) and is a mad, epic story which really stands as a milestone of animation and scifi movie-making.
Ghost in the Shell is cyberpunk the concept made into a movie, and it's very, very good.

These are both action movies with mindtrip elements, quite different from this one, but compulsory viewing if you want to get into anime. :)
