'Neanderthal' was better...

Even though it dealt only with Neanderthals and their interactions with Cro-Magnon men, I thought the documentary "Neanderthal" was a much more involving look at prehistoric life than this program.

Unfortunately, it has yet to be released on DVD.

"What fresh Hell is this?"


I whole heartedly agree with that!


I also have to agree.
"Neanderthal" was very well done, and quite engaging.



You mean that God-awful show that depicted the Neanderthal trying to catch a fish by swatting at the surface of the water, until the wise and kind homo sapien came along and speared it for him? Yeah, that wasn't the most crass display of racism I've ever seen. Oh wait... it was actually. Have some respect for your larger-brained forebearers, people.


You're right, that was a stupid part.

Something left out was how Neanderthals ended up on the British Isles. The shows points out two or three Neanderthal discoveries on the British Isles with black dots (in the scene depicting their range).

This necessarily means that Neanderthals were, to some extent, seafaring, doesn't it?

But no amount of knitpicking of Neanderthal can compare to the sheer hillarity of the depictions of early hominids in "Walking With Cavemen".


Something left out was how Neanderthals ended up on the British Isles. The shows points out two or three Neanderthal discoveries on the British Isles with black dots (in the scene depicting their range).
This necessarily means that Neanderthals were, to some extent, seafaring, doesn't it?

During the Ice Age the ocean water level was much lower, and Britain was connected to mainland Europe. They just walked there.
