MovieChat Forums > Strangers with Candy (2006) Discussion > The constant mugging is a turn off

The constant mugging is a turn off

I hadn't seen the series, didn't even know it existed so came to this with an open mind. But ten minutes of Amy making that dumb, goofy face was too much.
I'm amazed that Colbert has a hand in the scripting as it is WAY below his normally high standards.

Sorry, but only hardcore fans would get anything from it and judging by some comments here even some of them felt short changed.


Come on lads, bags of swank!


That "face" she makes is her signature - Jerri has an overbite. It is exaggerated for effect. I think Amy's faces are genius. Who else could affect neurosis so well, with that twitchy right eye, etc. Maybe if you'd seen the show you'd understand.

"Only hardcore fans would get anything from it." Wow, you can speak for a whole population, how impressive.


I'm not a hardcore fan but I thought her faces were hilarious.

The writing really isn't that far below Colbert's standards, it was fully of ironic statements and double entendres. Funny ones.


Im a huge fan of Amy and have seen everything's she's been on and honestly, I tend to forget she's making a face, she's so natural at being hideous.
