The Boy

I saw this film at the local video store today and thought hey why not give it a go. With a few things that could have been better I have to say the acting was top notch. And what really surprised me was "The Boy" played by Rocky Marquette. How the hell this kid, well young adult cause he's like 25 but looks like a kid. How he played the entire movie pretty much but naked the whole time with blood pouring from his entire body deserves applause. It would be hard enough to act in front of a camera (IMO) but to do it with all those elements is amazing.

Not that he'd ever read this but good job Rocky. Look forward to other roles you endeavor in for I think you'll become a star.


Yeah, I thought he did a profound job here...People might not think it takes alot to just sit there and not speak, but you would be suprised. You've got to have alot of charisma to make a statement while be completely silent.
***** It is in the current of our dear River that we are swept away*****


LOL he looks SO young..
I thought they just cast a naked minor or something... Then I find out he's 13 years older than me.. 13 years!

But he does deserve applause, lots of.
I don't think I'd be able to manage it without laughing my head off the entire time..

LOL, if I want a hope in hell of growing up to be a decent actress, I really must stop goddamn laughing at everything XD
