MovieChat Forums > Shallow Ground (2005) Discussion > i liked this movie, what others can you ...

i liked this movie, what others can you recomend

For a B movie I think this was a well done film. I enjoy less known, but good horror films. Any suggestions?


I can recommend a movie called THE SUPERNATURALS. Check it out on imdb


The Descent - best horror of the decade (so far)

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain


"The Descent - best horror of the decade (so far)"

Really?!?! How many horror movies have u seen this decade!!

COME TO THE DARK SIDE!!!...we have cookies!!!


I suggest that anyone who votes The Decent should have a lobotomy so they are no longer a danger to society.

No, really, that film was terrible. Then again, so was Shallow Ground, so I doubt taste is high on your list of good qualities.



I agree , Descent is the best I have seen to date
"The Ring"(part 1) would be the second best


The Ring doesn't deserve to be called the best of any sort if you ask me. Yes, it's a good movie, and the way they set it up was great (Accourding to the trivia, with the leaving random tapes at concerts, and the websites, then the commercial) but it's not deserving of all the hype. Or maybe I wasn't scared because I saw it with my brother and his girlfriend.

It is a good movie, but not the best.

Best horror I've is none..I don't get scared by movies...(This one is creeping me out, though...)


Descent was not scary, it's like zombie movies which are never scary, maybe amusing or entertaining to watch. Or like Aliens, which I could never understand how people could find scary, maybe exciting and tense but that doesn't make it scary. Anyhow you could barely watch anything in Descent with most of movie being in complete darkness so it was just lame.


Is it honestly just me that got really bored during the Descent?
Or am I thinking of a different movie that also happened to be called The Descent..

And I still haven't seen The Ring, merely because.. well.. I haven't gotten the chance...
I'm gonna go check out The Descent boards just in case I did just mix a movie up..


Bear in mind everything that could go wrong with the production did:

Accepting an offer from nouveau riche Russian producer Victor Zuev for initial financing, Mariano headed for the trouble torn Ukraine to begin shooting on his debut feature, Dark Waters (1994). Once there, Baino and his crew were faced with conditions and attitudes which seemed to belong to a truly different planet. From the language barrier to shooting near Chernobyl (having been forced to move from Odessa by the fact that their corrupt production manager had sold their studio space to a rival production for profit, leaving Baino and his crew with no alternative but to brave the nuclear danger), everything seemed to conspire against the film ever getting finished. Rushes were watched only once a week, sets literally dissolved due to rainfall, his film stock was sold from under him on the black market and cast and crew were nearly asphyxiated when a scene involving hundreds of candles went dangerously wrong.

"The wisest man is therefore he who loafs most gracefully." ~ Lin Yutang


Dead end. I Highly recomend it.
A different kind of horror but way better than Descent.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE!!!...we have cookies!!!


I just finished getting a few movies to add to my horror collection. one of them happened to be Dead End... it's a pretty good movie, even comical at times.


What others?? Maybe i can get my hands on a couple of them. I'm always interested in a good horror :D. Just tell me a some that u liked best.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE!!!...we have cookies!!!


I agree...i LOVE Dead well as "Dead Birds"...some really well done horror movies right there...i'm personally a fan of "Event Horizon"...and you may also want to check out the "Masters of Horror" TV Series as well as some of the movies from "8 Films to Die For" aka


I reccomend you kill yourself if you liked this movie.


As far as B movies go, I would reccommend Dead and Breakfast, Blood Feast 2, Plaga Zombies: Zona Mutante, Hide and Creep, Dead Birds, Malevolence, the Jim Van Bebber Manson Family movie (only if it is the uncut, unrated version though), The Last Horror Movie, Joshua, and Zombie Honeymoon. These are all rairly recent films also.

Some I would recommend staying away from are Zombie Night, Undead, Clawed, The Ghouls, The Revolting Dead, and Dead Men Walking.

I would also have to say that if you have not seen Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore), check that one out. It was finally released on DVD last month and that one is great.


Dead Birds is an awesome movie!!! and i just bought The Last Horror Movie, yet to watch it tho!!


That's a hard question to answer and I'm sure others on this board would be better able to answer. It owed a lot to other horror movies and there are other movies that aren't exactly horror that have a similar feel.

For gore: Cabin Fever and Hostel

Slasher : High Tension (Haute Tension), it's in French so you have to get used to the subtitles

For creepiness: Madhouse

For "Wow, they can do a lot with nothing" : My Little Eye (plus it's an homage to The Breakfast Club, which cracks me up)

For dramas with that same suspense/mystery feeling (NOT HORROR, but a crime drama, and an interesting movie) : Eye of God

Happy viewing


I can offer some ideas here, not great but surprisingly ok.

Night of the Creeps
Dog Soldiers
Deep Rising
Almost any movie with Sean Pertwee.


If you really liked this movie, I can recomend you all the IMDB Bottom 100 movies...


Obviously different tastes in movies is a foreign concept to you.

No pulse, no heartbeat. If condition does not change, this man is dead.
