They made a Mistake

El Chupacabra isn't from Mexico, it's from Puerto Rico.

I <3 RBD


and it doesnt look like a big looks more like a hyena.. from what I have heard anyways


Well if they did it's easy to explain: there was a very string chupacabra fever in Mexico back in the 1990s, when even the most important news anchor Jacobo Zabludovsky (kind of like the mexican version of Dan Rather) often spoke of it in his program. Hence why the makers of this movie related it to Mexico.


Yeah, they got the design for the chupacabra all wrong, it's supposed to look like a large vampire bat or something and have red eyes, not green.


Well, actually, El Chupacabra is a Latin America as well as South Texas phenomenon. I happen to live in the town - Cuero, Texas - which is home to the latest supposed sighting. Periodically over the past 30+} years, some rancher in South Texas and in Mexico along the border, have found some chickens or goats drained of blood. Before someone came up with calling a creature Chupacabra responsible, South Texas residents blamed it on Satan worshipers. As for the "chupacabra" here in Cuero, the creature looked more like a coyote with a skin condition. Of course, it turned out to be a coyote/Mexican wolf hybrid. It seems that depending on which country or locale you are in depends on which manifestations El Chupacabra appears. I would think any creature that sucks blood from cute barn yard animals can be described in any manner for which the artists cares to render it. Since none have actually been found and it has yet to be proved to exist, I am not quite sure how you can call it a mistake in a children's cartoon.
