On euthanasia (long)

(PS I didn't get to debunking the myth that euthanasia will lead to mass murder but I have one quick debunk which is-humans have always practiced genocide and we have far worse people than docs with the capabilities to murder Millions instantly. Docs,even in the Nazi pr,it was found tried minimize suffering. The real issue is they didn't question the Nazi system as a whole-which is what leads to genocide-very strong current day parallels)
Palliative docs are allowing and helping euthanize patients,just in a veiled way. They have multiple methods at Pallative care clinics-they take u off food or drink and then sedate you,with only a few minutes of heavily pain medicated awake time, they slowly increase you pain meds for "pain" until you stop breathing(over a period of a week or two), they just sedate you most of the time and allow the disease to kill you-this takes a while.

The worst thing about palliative care is that Christians,like the death loving freaks they are,crowd around palliative care clinics. When my grandma was dying,I found this scum Christian lurker preaching about hell. Remember these are the sick puppies like Mother Theresa WHO THINK THERE IS DIGNITY IN DEATH. I think Nietzsche who said that Christianity is a reversal of every value humans find true or something like it. Well, this is the case, these ppl find death unthinkable so they pretend to find dignity in it,cherry picking cases were someone under their care had an abnormally painless deathless VS the majority who don't.

However,there is dignity and even courage,bravery etc in -dying- people forming a sort of underground railroad, against the complacency of the medical system(many,many docs understand palliative care doesn't work well but they make a living from it so..), the unsympathetic families(who have grown up in a commercial culture that ignores developing healthy attitudes' towards loss,instead blasting grief ridden people all of a sudden with support groups,shrinhzks,anti depressants that dont work, again all about $$$), and the Christian political activists and their Politician enablers(again all about money,reigning in Remaining Catholics to donate to save the godless). When society has placed so many obstacles,I think this effort is heroic.
Remember,this problem is relatively new(been around since the med tech got really good at keeping ppl alive around 15 years ago).

Really,one must question the responsible use medical tech-in effect we are spending huge sums of money on people who are dying and would rather die without having the pain protracted for months by medical tech. Not only do they not want it,the converse is happening to young low income children NOT able to get wanted medical help. On the rich side we have forced medical treatment(either b/c a good insurance policy or family money) which has bankrupted families and in the lower class side we have outrageous refusals of care,b/c of penny pinching and not good insurance.

Bottom line: Pallative care doesn't work. Pain medicine doesn't work well,makes many people worse off. Drugs like weed,acid,ketamine,mushrooms,and snail shell venom IF studied by science have the potential to TRANSFORM THE EXPERIENCE OF DEATH. We don't do this maybe b/c the medical system,like religion, makes too much money from death being terrifying,pain ridden,and desperate-with the excuse that it's good death is like this.

When near death experience liars(99.9% of the authors in this subject) write books on death,they always tell readers what they want to hear,which makes the customers of these books strange-they buy it to hear what they already want to imagine death being like.. As for the authors,come one,if you had access 2 ppl in the publishing biz and were in a career ending care wreck wouldn't you take advantage of the situation?Same goes for alt "medicine"- a money maker by telling the masses The same old recycled lie.
We need to examine this much more closely as a society....


Christians are delusional psychos but fear not because they're dying out in the west.

People should have a right to die as long as they have a good reason. They shouldn't let just anyone end their life.

Ramon had a VERY good reason!


I support euthanasia only if it gets too painful for the victim, keeping them alive when they're in pain is inhuman. I come from Australia so if I had an illness that reduced me to Ramon's situation I'd have to die in utter pain with no dignity. There is more dignity dying in peace than there is dying in pain.

Goth for LIFE!
