Pointless Scenes

I did enjoy this film a lot, but there are a couple of scenes that I think were pretty pointless and they kind of damaged the flow of the film for me.

One scene is where Owen and Claire kiss each other after Claire shoots the flying creature and the next 30 seconds or so. The other scene is where Lowery approaches Vivian for a kiss. I mean the scenes were awkward and did not contribute to the film in any way other than breaking the flow, that is in my opinion.


The references to the kids' parents being divorced were pretty pointless and dragged things down too.

I wish I could say the same about the stupid "militarized velociraptors" subplot but unfortunately, if you take those scenes out, you'd lose about a third of the film...


Overall I'd take out:
?Militarized dinosaurs subplot
?Tram Divorce scene
?Claire & Owen kiss
?Vivian curving the nerdy guy


I recall from somewhere, that the director, on the spur of the moment, told Chris Pratt to kiss her, and she wasn't even expecting it.
It didn't fit in.

The story is king.


They have two deleted scenes where there is more Chemistry between them and would have fitted with the kiss more (although Claire's boss plus PA just have been killed and her nephews are in mortal danger... but okkk)


Don't forget about the dead nanny nobody cares about


that's the PA


@nemenemenes ...Owen and Claire kiss each other after Claire shoots the flying creature and the next 30 seconds or so.
I agree that it damages the movie's flow, but I think that scene is worse than pointless - it ruins the tension of the scene. Tourists are running around in a panic, yet we've got these four people just hanging around, with Zach asking who Owen is. Kinda defeats the purpose of everyone else running in a panic, doesn't it?

What they should've done instead is have Owen kiss Claire just before he rides off with the raptors. Like, "I may not survive this so here's what I really think of you."

I don't really have a problem with the scene with Lowery and Vivian. It confounded my expectations, was funny, and didn't happen while they were surrounded by running people or flying dinosaurs. Just a dash of comic relief.


That Claire & Owen kiss made me roll my fucking eyes and say "Oh, here we go!" Why does every goddamn Hollywood movie have to have a love subplot? It's so fucking stale!
