Zara? Really?

"It was unnecessary and too graphic!"
"Why did she had to die?!"

If she was a man, you know the bad creature with a penis, those who died in previous movies, you wouldn´t give one single fvck. And you didn´t obviously. I have NO IDEA why am I even surprised by this!

I was I wasn´t expecting this...tbh I was surprised the movie went this far. It was actually refreshing to see how it would really looked like if that scene actually happened IRL. And taht woman died? It showed no one was safe.
I don´t know what leftists want? They want polite dinosaurs who will attack men only?
why s showing a death of a woman so much different from death of a man?

"Death should not be shown in movies!" Why it´s triggering you?

This *beep* must stop honestly.

No one cries sexism over millions of male characters killed in books, movies, video games! ( MAN" Videogames killed trillions of men ) and sometimes real life.

Women are too sensitive and overemotional and their reactions like this one only proves it. I don´t see men trying to ban a TV show for "promoting violence against men".

Game of on that show got: their penises cut of, got undeserved death sentences, got killed for their sexuality and just simply killed...

They raped one girl and "BAN THIS SEXIST SHOW!"

 I must laugh


Are people STILL pissing on about Zara...christ....


Well, the first two movies were made in the 90s, and there was not much social media back then. The third movie was released in 2001, but as far as I remember, it did not contain any brutal killings of innocent characters (then again, I don't remember much from the first two sequels).


There were brutal deaths of characters in ll three movies! :D

But honestly why am I surprised? When western media tries to tell its people how racist and sexist they all are :D


Well, the first two movies were made in the 90s, and there was not much social media back then. The third movie was released in 2001, but as far as I remember, it did not contain any brutal killings of innocent characters (then again, I don't remember much from the first two sequels).

Literally most of kills in the entire franchise are innocent people.


....Donald Trump wrote the "death of Zara" scene!


And Hillary would LOVE weaponized dinos...



It's not that she died - it was the excessively horrific death for a neutral-good character.

In the first movie the lawyer was eaten by T-Rex. Of course everyone got a laugh out of it because hey - lawyer. But his death was also *very* sudden and over in a flash. Walls of the building fall over, see T-Rex, chomp, dead.

Zara was snatched up, tossed around, nearly drowned, grabbed again (talons in the shoulders) and finally eaten by the Mosasaurus. That kind of death should be reserved for a Nedry or Hoskins - it's a "comeuppance" type of death. Not a "the poor assistant who was sandbagged into babysitting duty" kind of death.

For comparison, since I just watched "License to Kill" - Benicio Del Toro gets dropped into an industrial shredder, and it's a "good death" because he tortured and killed Felix's wife, and was built up as a generally awful guy.

One other example for contrast - in the BBC TV series "Spooks" (shown as "MI-5" in the US) a junior MI-5 agent suffers a horrific death - the bad guy is trying to get information out of the senior agent with her, so he shoves her hand into a deep fat fryer. When the senior agent doesn't give in, he grabs the young lady's head and shoves her face into the fryer. After a few moments of her screaming, he shoots her in the head.

BBC got a number of complaints about the horrific death, and I found it very jarring. However I would never complain about it, because it fits the narrative - sure she's a good person, but her graphic death is used to show just how sadistic the bad guy is. This again is a pretty standard dramatic device.

The equivalent to Zara's death would be if young Ms. Agent tripped and fell face-first into the fryer accidentally, and they showed the whole thing during the show. That would be a total "WTF?" moment.

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Exactly. A lot of people don't seem to get that "context is everything". There's nothing wrong with Zara's death scene, as long as it fits the movie's tone and/or is earned via the script. The problem is that it doesn't.

It would have been perfect for Henry Wu, to be honest. Have him snatched out of the helicopter at the end during evacuation. An epic, cool death for a deserving character who's just been revealed to be a bigger villain than Hoskins.

Heck, give Hoskins that death as it would have been far more memorable that the lightweight one he got!
