MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World (2015) Discussion > I'm gonna miss this place

I'm gonna miss this place

I'm not a regular anymore but I've been on the IMDb boards since 2004. Got to know so many people here (especially on the JP4 and WWE boards) and it's sad to hear that IMDb is shutting it down. Thanks to everyone for making this place special. I'll miss you guys - especially Harry and a lot of old timers that I doubt anyone remembers anymore like Neelis, Fabulous Emma, Cyrilf1, Travis Moran, and the paleontologist Joshwennes. Sorry if I missed any of you - this community couldn't be what it is without every single one of you!



I'm still not giving up man. I hope for them to reconsider. :(


I doubt it.. :/

Good thing we can still stay in touch on FB but it sucks how JPL closed down first and now the IMDb boards. Are there any alternatives?


IMDb is gonna change their own minds sooner or later! It's inevitable.

For now there are these two excellent alternatives!

You both should join as well!

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Yes thank you Harry i already have those bookmarked :). Just waiting until the actual shutdown before i make an account.


That's good.

Many users from IMDb are changing to those forums.

IMDb2 keeps growing and growing at a very fast rate!

This IMDb is surely gonna change their own minds! No buying anything from Amazon!

And there are rumors Rottentomatoes wants to make their own forums as big and as diverse as current IMDb.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Yep. They will either bring it back or dig their own grave. Either way there will be a competitor down the line to take the throne. But I do love IMDb and I'd much rather them just leave it like it is. A lot of people complain about lack of moderation here, but I think that's one of its biggest strengths personally. It allows a lot of free speech.


IMDb is gonna change their own mind.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Yes it does suck. And as far as alternatives, sure there are things similar. But to my knowledge there is no website out there with a board for literally movie, every upcoming project, every director, every actor and so on.... that's what makes IMDB so valuable. And the fact that it is all in a threaded style.

Like on reddit for example posts get archived after a month or so, so it's not like you can keep discussion alive long after the post if that makes sense.

Personally i already sent emails to Amazon HQ and i really hope the huge drop off in users will be a wake up call for them. They make the most money from people coming to the message boards all day long. All those clicks and Ad revenue.

I'm gonna get controversial here but i think the change is also partially political. We saw many news sites such as CNN take their comments section down this year, as well as some conservatives getting banned on Twitter for trashing Ghostbusters. I think they want to herd us all into social media because they can moderate us easier that way and we show our real faces...... They can control what we say about their "entertainment" that way.

Personally i won't be playing along tho. Harry has some good links and i'll be heading over there. But yeah at least we can keep up on FB. It's quite sad for the people who will come back too late without hearing about the closure until it is too late.

But yeah the general hope is to boycott the site and hopefully they get a massive reality check money wise. I hope so.


Troyal, now I'm using this account, my friend.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


I'm gonna get controversial here but i think the change is also partially political. We saw many news sites such as CNN take their comments section down this year, as well as some conservatives getting banned on Twitter for trashing Ghostbusters. I think they want to herd us all into social media because they can moderate us easier that way and we show our real faces...... They can control what we say about their "entertainment" that way.

it´s the truth...they can´t handle their movies and actors getting criticized. But it´s okay for directors, actors and other celebs to criticizes everyone else in public, right?

they are so full of sh!t....i used to love the late night talk shows, but now it´s the same brainwashing crap every night.


The IMDb message boards are gonna get back sooner or later.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


I'm still around! Haven't posted on the Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World boards in a while, but I have been active at the Jackie, ALIEN: Covenant and Arrival boards!

There is an alternative for Jurassic Park fans:

For those who specifically want to keep in touch with other Jurassic Park fans, signing up on these boards might be worth your while.

The joy of IMDB was having a single account enabling you to discuss all your favorite movies. There's no alternative like that.

I'm not going to sign up on other film forums myself. From here on out it's going to be a few days of goodbyes and feeling that IMDB is making a mistake. I assume most traffic on the website is generated by people visiting the boards. For me, it's the main reason to use the website; I can read about films, ask other people's opinions, or learn more about a film's plot and details (etc.).

A wealth of readily available information and access to knowledgeable people simply deleted - incredible.


What's your username on those sites?

