MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > 50% of marriages end of divorce (how sad...

50% of marriages end of divorce (how sad)...TRUE STORY?

It is sad that today about 50% of marriages end in divorces which results in "4 parents" for the children. 1 step from the biological mother and 1 step from the biological father. This movie must be based on real life events, since these kind of families are so common today (that is really sad because it seems people don't value the sacred institution of marriage).

I am not really religious or anything, but even as an agnostic I believe in the seriousness that you have to devote to a marriage which is forever (until death do you part), or unless there is absolutely NOTHING that you can do to make it work. If you don't want this you are compatible with the other person in the long-term then don't cause heartbreak on the children and marry!! It is so sad how many people in America don't take marriages seriously for whatever reason and how there are so many families like in this movie. Unfortunately not everyone is happy in the real world in these families as potrayed in this movie.

But I still enjoyed this movie. I saw it back in February at the discount cinema.




You're obviously NOT married! Marriage is hard at times, even if you're married to your best friend (like me). I hope to be married forever, but I'm not going to stay in a marriage if I'm unhappy. I don't want my kids growing up in an environment where their parents have no communication or avoid each other (like I did before my parents divorced a few years ago). No way.


yeah it's true. there isn't a need to be married. you can be with be in love and have a good relationship with someone without the piece of paper.

my weight only stirs the ground


You sound too young. You must belive in that soul mate bs as well. Marriages end in divorce for many reasons. Couples do grow apart. Upto the 1970's women depeneded on men for support. When Women started working they could now support themselves. If they were in a bad marriage they were no longer stuck with

a fat
tv watching
sports junky
porn down loading
non talking
non listening jerk.


It's sad, but it happens, and for a variety of reasons. There are couples who make it though. I've been very fortunate in my family (including my husband's side of the family) - my parents have been married for 49 years, my in-laws for 42 years, my sister for 19 years and my other sister for 3 (but has been with the same man for 17 years before marriage), and my husband's brother for 12 years. We all realize how fortunate we are and that marriage takes work. There will always be people who are cynical and say it's an archaic tradition, etc. etc. but if you're in love and make the personal choice to get married, anything worth having in life is worth working for.



Actually that 50% statistic is very misleading because it counts people who have multiple divorces. So for every Liz Taylor, eight other marriages have to last to even things out. And there are quite a few three and four time losers out there to skew the statistic way up.

A better measure is what % of marriages end in divorce when the marriage is the first for both parties. I believe the divorce rate among that type of marriage is closer to 25%. Still high but nowhere near 50%
