Who here hates UFC fans?

I find the sterotypical UFC enthusiasts like the ones in this film annoying. Don't get me wrong. I'll watch a match every now and then and I like a lot of things typical guys like. I just can't stand the guys who are loaded with tattoos and overly aggressive all the time like they have something to prove. You probably see these kinds of guys in sports bars. If there's an official names for this sub-culture I haven't learned it yet.


Its the posers who act like that. I know quite a few MMA fighters and whats funny is they tend to be more on the nerdy side than the hyper aggresive. They tend to save all that rage until they get in the ring. Its the posers, who have to associate themselves with the sport to give the perception that their tough.


and the TapOut shirts are so played out.


Agreed with shonuff31986! Not the fans, just the posers!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
