
I think it's funny that Tara Reid's character is supposed to be this supposedly smart archeologist and she can't even pronounce "Newfoundland". She basically says it as three separate words. Judi Dench does a much better job of pronouncing it in "The Shipping News".



I can blame it on Tara having past drug problems. or maybe she really thought she could do no research for this role and people would not notice

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Well, speaking as a 'Newfie', I can tell you that in real life plenty of people - both the intelligent and the witless, the learned and the dropouts - mispronounce the name of my home; this doesn't make Tara Reid's character unbelievable, it just makes Prof. Cedrac a Mainlander (...which is a derogatory term for 'someone not from Newfoundland' - the 'stupid-' part is assumed, like most such terms for groups of people)

And you thus can't compare this to Agnis Hamm, who is a native Newfie.

In short I'll borrow a famous tech-support quote: "Not a bug; working as intended." 😜

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music." - George Carlin


First off I'd like to commend you for having probably the coolest handle on IMDB.
Second, I'd like to ask how you get *part* of you post censored by management.
That is a high honor indeed.
Thirdly, when I finally get around to visiting Newfoundland, can I come visit ?

I'm sorry baby, I had to crash that Honda.
