Alan's alimony. WTF!

According to the trivia section, it says Alan pays close to $4000 a month. If that is not so far out their for reality, then WTF is wrong with this world? The kid pretty much lives with him, so why the hell should this man pay so much money for his ex-wife to sit on her fat ass? The kid seems old enough. Make a break for it and go to Canada or another country and maybe in 6 or so years the kid could have forgiven you and the Ex would have died without the income if she needs that much money to survive. Run to the hills. Bloody gold-diggers.


Alan pays Alimony and extra money for child support.

I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. - Charles Dickens


I remember the IRS audited him because they thought no sane man would pay that much money to his ex-wife, they suspected him of fraud until Alan proved to them with paperwork that he really was that big of a "schmuck" as he called it.


Don't forget Jake only lived with Alan on weekends. Judith took care of him the other 5 days. We always saw Jake with Alan because most of the show's main events happened on the weekends.


The amount had to be so high for the show to work. Alan had to be broke so that he would have to keep living with Charlie. Remember, when the show starts Alan is making enough money to support him and his wife and son and they live in a nice suburban house. So he wasn't exactly a pauper. So realistically he would only have to live with Charlie for a short time if he was paying a normal amount in child support and alimony. But then there would be no show. They had to somehow keep him really poor. Enter an angry ex-wife and Charlie being horny and dumping Alan's lawyer.
