The Beer Bot

I just saw an ad for this show, and they were playing with an Asahi Beer robot.

I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO OBTAIN THIS THING FOR 3 YEARS!!!! AHHH I'm sooooooo jealous everytime I see someone with one.


The legend began when I lived in Japan and I saw this magical glorious technology, a robot that stores beers in itelf, then at the push of a button takes out a can, cracks it, and pours a glass.

It was only available through a contest in Japan. So I bought case after case of Asahi, I collected all the stickers I needed for the contest, but I never ended up getting that contest form in the mail. They only made a limited number, and only contest winners could have obtained one.

Later on I assumed they would show up on eBay, and I could buy one, but nooooooooooo. A few have been sold on the internet. A few. For thousands of dollars.

I'll pay. I'll pay. I'll pay. Biru bot o kudasai!

I'm hoping this is the same page for their leap over to the Travel Channel, anyway...
