
when your at the level were the women tells you to climb on the roof how do you do it you can't kill or attack the guards how do you beat it?

Bond James Bond


ooo yeah. I had a hard time figuring that out to. um, go through the door and if you look around a bit, theres a pipe you can climb onto the roof. It's pretty sweet, there's like a room up there.


what about the garuds and the light

Bond James Bond


I never found a roof, just shoot out the lights and sneak past them. Seeing as every time you knock out the policeman in that part Lambert yells that "The mission is over!" =P


I did the Mission but why shoot the woman????

Bond James Bond


Because she's in league with the badguys, Lambert says that the Shin Bet weren't playing a straight game. They don't go into detail on it, but I guess that's just because you don't 'need to know'.


Oh ok and i am passt that Isrial Mission now i am like in a Jungle what happends?

Bond James Bond
