stuck on a level

i need help im stuck on Los Angeles USA (Los Angeles 6). Im at the part where i am in the elevator and i shoot out the emergency exit above. The woman says something about going through a crawl space to get to the top? How do i do that? I tried jumping onto the poles near the elevator but it wont let me and I have tried so many times to get up there but never could. If someone could help me that would be great!

(for the ps2)

~Im going and im never coming back, not ever~



if you mean you're stuck in the elevator, shoot teh grate above you, then jump out. if you've done that, then all you have to do is grab a wire, climb up it until you can only move sideways. climb up at this point. jump across the elevator shafts onto the beam/ledge. it may not look like you can do it, but you can. just make sure you jump as you approach a ledge, rather than just run off, because then Sammy goes byebye. once you reach the ledge, go to your left around a pillar, and an Interaction ("Climb Out") will appear. basically, it's just looking around at things you might be able to do to get around. i don't fully remember, though. i did it all on first run through today, and i just finished spending an hour trying to kill Soth, his 2 guards, and knock out 3 civs without being detected. i failed, so i decided just to pump some bullets into the terrorists :D stealth has never been my thing
