Infinite Items/ammo cheat

i entered the cheat on the D-pad for infinite ammo at the main menu where it says "single player, multiplayer, credits." no matter how many times i do it, and no matter what controller i do it on, the cheat just won't work. I use an XBOX btw, and this is SC: Pandora Tomorrow what gives?

do I ned to install gameshark? or get a mod chip? cuz i really need that cheat.


I can't imagine why you would need cheats...
The real thing is much more enjoyable.

"Photography is truth. Cinema is truth 24 times per second."



that it is, but i just spent an hour trying to do the very last part of the game (3 civs, 2 terrorists, and a Soth in a pear tree) simply because i only had 2 bullets left in my pistol. i had to shoot out lights with the other gun, but i made too much noise. i eventually had to pump bullets into the terrorists rather than sneak around. so i can see why unlim. ammo would be nice.

btw. in response to your name, Jack Bauer wins. easy. if it weren't for his DUI charges, i'd be saying "Go Kieffer!"


u really don't need cheats to finish the game.


That may be so, but getting killed over and over again, before getting right can be a real bitch.


I was in a similar situation, except I had NO ammo left in my pistol. I got by just fine with using the SC-20K to shoot out lights. You just need to be careful and time it right.

Obviously, if you shoot out the light while a person is really close to it, they'll get spooked and start shooting.
