Most annoying move

what would you say is the most annoying move from any sc2 character that you are facing? I would say when yoshumitsu bounces around on that pole of his and when I believe its taki that does this, when shes laying flat on the ground and kicks and stabs you and its hard to hit her in that position.

fear the thousand years of pain technique!!!


I believe its taki that does this, when shes laying flat on the ground and kicks and stabs you and its hard to hit her in that position.

It's Xianghua that does that. She looks like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum when she does it.


as yeah i keep mixing up the azn girls names. thanks and yes, it does look like a temper tantrum lol

fear the thousand years of pain technique!!!


The most annoying move is the one that spawn does (x-box version) You know, when he levitates in the air and shoots fireballs at you? that move (as its known in one of my social circles) is a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef !


Hey, the GUEI move rules!!!


The most annoying move of all time is Raphael's constant Y/Triangle/Y attack. It keeps hitting his opponent until he/she sidesteps to dodge, and even then, Raphael can still turn quickly and attack.

"We're sorry, your call could not go through." "Your mom could no go through..."



The most annoying move of all time is Raphael's constant Y/Triangle/Y attack. It keeps hitting his opponent until he/she sidesteps to dodge, and even then, Raphael can still turn quickly and attack.

Two words: Guard Impact. Put the game on the hardest difficulty setting, and play through. You'll be an expert on guard impacting after fifteen minutes.


i hate taki she keeps blocking!


The most annoying move of all time is Raphael's constant Y/Triangle/Y attack. It keeps hitting his opponent until he/she sidesteps to dodge, and even then, Raphael can still turn quickly and attack.

Oh God that move so annoying! So so annoying!

Two hunderd thousand Orcs on your doorstep...Now thats alot of Orcs!


Eh... I think that any move where a character hits you constantly leaving you with no hope of escape or retaliation is indeed irritating, but I think the most annoying move is where Taki screams like a whiny little girl when she stabs you. The stabs themselves I don't much mind, but it drives me nuts to listen to her because I like her fine otherwise. It doesn't even fit her character-- I would expect it of Cassandra or even Talim, but crazy samurai Taki? No. Just annoying.


The most annoying move of all time is Raphael's constant Y/Triangle/Y attack. It keeps hitting his opponent until he/she sidesteps to dodge, and even then, Raphael can still turn quickly and attack.

I'm not sure how that'd done on the GC, which is the version I have, but I think I know what you're talking about. Where he spins as a queer form of side-stepping? I loathe that. One of the reasons I hate Raphael.


I hate fighting against Necrid. Every move he does to me is freakin' annoying.


the yoshimitsu bouncing on his sword thing...

...not tough to smack him around when someone else uses it (for me)

but i totally own my buds with it, they freak out too much and scream "WHAT IS THAT?!"





Definitely Taki's scream stab.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is the worst anime series ever created.
