I know what a lot of people probley hate this movie but it there fault for wacthing it in the first place.this movie is like targeted for 8-14 year olds so why are you wacthing it?Also if it was so 'bad'(which it wasent)why not you just change the channel or better still turn the tv off for a change?Also many people keep going on about how this is a bad example to kids and how its stupid how the story line revolves around her wanting to be more populer.You cant honestly say at for at least one time in your life you didnt wish you were more populer then someone else


i honestly like this movie..i watch it all the time lol....its jus it sends out the wrong message...that popularity is the most important thing

"Ur like santa claus on prozac in disney land getting laid!"




i know! sleepover is funto watch!


I love this movie to, at first i thought it looked stupid by the trailers on tv, but when it came on dvd i was like what the heck i'll just rent it and see if it is worth - watching and it turned out I loved it, I watched over and over enjoying every last minute of it untill I had to turn it in the next day so yea this movie rocks(=


i know!!!


You all do realize that not a single thing in this film resembles real life, and the messages are all wrong.

It should be labeled a fantasy because the whole movie is like a pre-teen's dream (young girls getting older guys, driving young, getting into a club young, voyeurism, stalking, ordinary girls who are just as beautiful as the bitchy girls, girls getting home and getting away with everything and getting a lock for your door).


...just curious as to how old the people are that like this film...i havent watched it yet but am eager to...wondering if i would like it anyhow lol



err i hate these things
im 13 and like i said to begin with i love this movie
and i know this movie is dream like but its just fun
its like ulitmate pre teen girls sleepover
i love it~~!!


I totally agree y dus evry1 say its so bad its a mint film i watched it like 3 times, its sending out a gd msg and i think its a hilarious movie!!!


I saw it yesterday and liked it.
Found the 4 guys dancing to the spice girls song hilarious.


yeah i love this movie too but do you know where it was filmed?



Completely agree! I.. I watched this when I was 13. I'm 15 now. Ok, so when I saw this movie the first thing I thought when I saw the credits was..
Oh my god, how could anyone, Any person make a script that was so... dreadfull? If it weren't for my sisters I would've walked(really walked) to the video store and I would have demanded my money back. Because I spent the last part of my b-day money on this. It is quite obvious that this movie has :
bad directing, bad acting, bad editing, a bad script, bad audacity, and a bad plot. It's just too bad that their title couldn't be: If you sell tickets to ANYONE over the age of 13 than be ashamed of yourself!
Sorry, but open your eyes girls. I mean, what guy would stare at a girl who was skateboarding and Not laugh? Was that "love at first sight" Or did the makers of this film make another mistake?

Leaugue of Disneyites #21 :)


I have to disagree with you this movie blows but only because it was pointless but believe me I didn't expect it to be good I only watched it to make fun of it with my friends and in that regard it was more the suitable.

oh and Yancy is a good role model for young girls, sure be fat because there is always another fat guy who likes brownies and is working on being morbidly obese



You've got to learn to spell-and this movie doesn't have young talent at all-it's horrible.


its not that bad
ok people say its to unrealistic but movies like star wars are unrealistic and they were huge blockbusters.
Sleepover is just a cute fun girly movie and a great way to spend time on a saturday arvo with your friends.
i mean isnt the hole idea of movies is to escape from the real world for a hour or so?


I don't LOVE this movie, i don't want to watch it more then the one time i did but it's like i didn't expect much from it i mean it's a chick flick how GOOD is it supost to be! I think it was funny and was fun to wacth at a sleepover


I'm 18 and will be 19 soon.
This movie (though targeted for a younger audience) rocks!!!!!
It's one of those movies that is so bad but so good at the same time!

Drug delivery! You wanted some marijuana? - Arrested Development




i really did like the movie.. i don't see what so many people absolutely HATE about it.. it was cute.

I am NOT your sister! -- george
