MovieChat Forums > Sleepover (2004) Discussion > People stop hating on this movie

People stop hating on this movie

I know this isn't the best movie and doesn't send out that great a message, but let's get real here. This movie is a "Mean Girls" type of movie (though i thought Mean Girls was better) and is for 12-15 year old girls to be watching. Since i'm assuming most of the people on this site don't fall under that category, let me explain. I watched this movie with my niece and daughter. They absolutely loved it. One is 14 and one is 13. I'm a 31 year old man, so it didn't appeal to me as much as to them. Nonetheless, i thought the movie was very cute. There were parts that i thought were stupid, and there were parts i got a kick out of. The only problem i have is that they make such a big deal about being popular, where i would've ended with the point that high school popularity isn't a big deal. These types of movies normally end up with the popular jerks having something unfortunate happen to them, and everyone learns to like each other. This movie sort of has the bad things happen to the "mean girls" (they can't sit at the fountain), but all that really happens is the less popular girls and the most popular girls switch places. With that being said, this movie appealed to the younger girls very well. The kind of movie where every girl watching wants to be the main character. Overall it was a pretty cute movie, just stop being so hard on it.



I don't get their movies. They watch them with their own money and buy what they want to buy. I have no say in it. I said it was like Mean Girls based on the audiences it attracts. Teenage girls. Mean Girls has your typical good teenage girls and bad teenage girls, just like Sleepover. They both end up with the mean ones having bad things happen to them. In sleepover they can't sit at the fountain place. In Mean Girls Regina gets hit by a bus (haha). Mean Girls had a better message and better actors.


whats the song where they are like "ill tell you what you want, what you really really want"


Well I was 12 when this movie first came out and in my opinion, I loved it alot [ and I thought Sean was cute. haha ]. I'm 14 now and I still love it, I actually just got done watching it ; regular verison and then commentary. People have different tastes, just because his niece & daughter like it, bouncyaccounty, doesn't mean they have 'no taste'. Come on now.
The movie doesn't have the greatest message and may not be very realistic, sneaking out, breaking all the house rules, etc. and then basically your parents not figuring out what you did but it's a movie. It's not supposed to be realistic, if it was, no one would watch it. And it's basically what a girl always wants, having a fun time with her friends, getting to sneak out, go to a dance, have the cute guy like you back. It attracts alot of girls because it's what they want to happen to them. But if you don't like it, hey, that's your opinion.

But I know if that ever happened to me and I admited everything to my mom, she wouldn't be as cool about it. Hahaha.



I loved this movie too. And for the record, I hated Mean Girls.


does anybody know the song?


lol, Spice Girls "Wannabe"?


Mean Girls was by far a more expensive movie. They had more money to make the movie with. Sleepover was the pre-teen [8th grader] version of Mean Girls. Not as good... much cornier but cute!

Futurely Known as TheOC_Lvr128
Got that money in the bank, shorty what you drank?


sleepover came first..if I'm remembering correctly..I'm to lazy to look it up

but they aren't even about the same is about a sleepover and the bridge between 8th grade and high school.

the other is about high school..and mean girls are or can be.


mean girls wasn't really targeted at teenage girls...

if so I apprently watch alot of movies targeted at teenage


Yeah its "wannabe" by spice girls...

Honestly i thought this movie would be really kiddy and aimed at young girls aged 8-12 but its actually a great movie for girls 11-15, i thought the movie would be really lame and a typical cheesy girly movie. but it wasnt! it was great and hilarious... alexa vega did a great job playing what i think is the lead role, and the whole movie was funny and enjoyable to watch. i would rate it 4 out of 5 to 4 1/2 out of 5. I recommend it for young teenage girls or girls 10 or over, there are some references i guess that younger girls shouldnt watch, like theres a nightclub scene and alexa vega sneaking into the guy's house and what happened there and everything,but its just a great fun movie which made my day. dont diss the movie!! if u dont like it, then watch something else!
