why didnt they do this??

if mia and lord devereaux both in line for the throne, why couldnt they be arranged to marry eachother and rule together??


I guess because then there would be no movie. Oh, and they're supposed to hate each other (Mia does at first), and Clarisse would never do something like that to Mia. Still...right shame, wouldn't it? I think Mia and Nicholas make a cute couple.

Umbridge: You know, I really quite hate children.
Me: We never would've guessed.


They could of got married in the beginning of the movie and then start to fall in love
But how they did it was better


That's what I'm thinking. I watched the movie for the first time in a long time last night and I realised that Mia and Nicholas could've gotten married, she would still be queen he king, so everybody could be happy.
Guess they wanted to make it more complicated.

I look into the face of death and laugh


He would be Prince Consort, not King; as she is first in line, and would be married, she would be the Regent and he the Consort.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


That what he would be now if they got married




His uncle didn't want him to marry a queen he wanted him to be king.


You guys are wrong. Clarisse wasn't born Queen she married the King and became a Queen. That's why everyone always says "King Rupert, may he rest in peace!" He was the King. Otherwise they would say "Duke Rupert (or Consort Rupert), may he rest in peace!"


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's different for women - a woman can marry a king and be called a queen, because that is still lesser than a king; but there is no way a man can marry a queen and become a king, because that would make him higher than the queen. He would be referred to as prince (like Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II). Just another sexist aspect of monarchy (though I'm glad our monarchy - I'm British - is recognising that these traditions are horrendously outdated and moving to change them).

I'm not even sure they should have been treating Clarice so regally, to be honest (are they allowed to call her 'your majesty'?)


the real question is why didnt the grandmother jsut wait until mia was married to abdicate the throne


I'm guessing because she was really regent, someone who ruled until the true heir, Mia came of age. Or at least that would be the case in a real situation but then not much about the stories add up in the real world.

Freedom of religion means ALL religions not just your own.
