MovieChat Forums > Osama (2003) Discussion > What does the Mullah give to Osama at th...

What does the Mullah give to Osama at the end?

He asks her at the end if she wanted something and held it up to her. Then he put it down and picked up what looked like a lock. What did he give to her at the end of the movie?


He was offering for her to choose her own lock. When she refused to choose he selected the biggest one.

Whadda ya hear, whadda ya say!


yeh i got that lock part
but what is the significance in the film?
i dont get it?
yay ur my wife choose a lock?


it's meant to represent the only choice that she has in the entire film. none of her other actions are by her choosing except for which way she would like to be imprisoned. It's a statement about the Taliban's treatment of women during their reign.


For a moment I thought that it was some sort of a chastity belt


In a sense, that is right. The lock is to keep on her door, bringing about the ironic fact that the only choice Osama is allowed to make throughout the whole movie is which lock is to be used to imprison her within the mullah's home. So, it's not really for a literal chastity belt; however, the mullah is essentially claiming her as his property by locking her up (it's a similar concept).


