What a bore

It's basically a 135 minute music video, and pretentious at that. It has about 5 minutes of real material in it. Waste of time.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


I've gotta agree, I gave up on it after an hour. I have been a fan of BD since the 60's and I am very open to experimental films (I rarely throw in the towel on anything) but this struck me as a Grade A turkey...


Not really, this film was packed with symbolism about Dylan's life. Each character represented a time in Dylan's life. It was pretty obvious for any Dylan fan. I'm not sure how you missed it.


It was all pretty obvious to any non-Dylan fan too and still, have to agree with the OP, what a bore!



Haha,....Old people crack me up.


Couldn't have said it better than TheManInOil. Very concise (QUITE unlike the movie), well said!

And, yes, I got the references & the symbolism; they all came off, as TMIO said, pretentious.


Agreed. Incredibly pretentious and boring film. Started out promising, but after 40 minutes or so had to stop watching.

