MovieChat Forums > I'm Not There (2007) Discussion > Cate Blanchett as Dylan? Lame.

Cate Blanchett as Dylan? Lame.

Yeah, I know liberal Hollywood likes to do the dumbest things in films (as well as every other area in politics and entertainment), but this film included some ridiculously lame ideas. Whay would they have a chick portray Dylan? It doesn't work. The whole time I'm watching it, I couldn't believe it was Dylan, it was just Blanchett trying to play a dude. Sorry for the people who enjoyed it and her performance, but it was phony and lousy.
I'm REALLY surprised they didn't throw in Will Smith or Whoopi Goldberg to play Dylan. That's the kind of *beep* tinseltown usually comes up with. Completely void of anything interesting and believable anymore. Oh well.



Not that it's one of my favourite movie or anything. I really do like the layouts to Stuck inside of the beginning, but that's not what I was gonna say at all.

I was just gonna say that you really have to come out of wherever you're sitting and trying all this chicks can't play guys crap.

Cate Blanchett had the most similar look. Even her lenght are pretty much the same. Her portrayal of his mid sixties were the one who looked most like him, acted and sounded like him. Not that the other ones tried that, except christian bale but that didnt work at all. It just didn't. Trying to be awkward in interviews and all. If he was the only person in the movie I don' think I would've seen it.

And I liked that she's a chick. why does there have to be a difference to that anyway? All those stupid gender roles wouldn't matter if it weren't for people like you, you know. and that's just one of the "lame ideas" that this movie is proving.

Just watch the ending scenes from don't look back. around 1:40, that looks a hell lot like Blanchett, and it was probably what the casting director or whatever also thought.


it's about the energy, the emotions and the power she brought to the role. i liked heath, bale, whishaw and gere as their dylan's but the movie would've lost so much dramatic edge without blanchett

and BTW american politics has absolutely NOTHING to do with the casting of this film! and just because people involved in the creation of the film may or may not have leftist political beliefs does not make this film a piece of liberal entertainment or means it contains liberal ideology - it's a film about a man that was more than just one persona


I found her performance very powerful.

And I loved her moment
"I am only one here with any balls"


How funny, considering she's the one who looks/ed the most like him.


I agree that it's rather gimmicky to portray Dylan through different actors and even a woman, but surprise, surprise, have to totally disagree with the OP, CB's performance was THE MOST believable!


Cate Blanchett as Dylan? Brilliant!!!

I have never seen anyone capture the spirit of mid 1960s Dylan to such an accurate degree.

Her Oscar nomination was well deserved.

It was a daring choice of casting but pays off in a big way in that she is the most Dylan-like character of the whole film (although Whishaw and Bale are pretty good too).


I thought she was one of the best Dylan's in the movie. The only other one I liked was Heath Ledger. Blanchett's acting and appearance was spot on and indistinguishable from the way Dylan was in "Dont Look Back." She was nominated for an oscar for this performance. Should have won too.


Before I saw this movie all I thought about Blanchett playing Dylan was: Great, another opportunity for Blanchett to show off by playing a dude. Typical Oscar bait role. I bet she will over act by trying so hard to play a dude convincingly.

But then I saw it, and I was actually impressed. Usually when I form those sort of opinions before watching a movie, it's pretty hard to change them, even if they really are good. So for her to change my opinion must mean she did a great job. But that's just IMO.


I thought she was the best, she portrayed him almost perfectly, followed by Wishaw who was great but had the least actual screen time. The only issue I had was that it somehow seemed a little too polished, but then again in actual Dylan interviews he mumbles a lot and obviously the sound and picture quality isn't as crystal as on film and maybe that roughness wouldn't have translated as well to the films. eg. she seemed to ponder the questions asked in the interview scene a little longer than Dylan would, (he always come across as very quick in his wit, like he's not actually thinking about the questions at all...although of course he probably did).
