MovieChat Forums > I'm Not There (2007) Discussion > Awesome acting by Cate Blanchett!!!!!

Awesome acting by Cate Blanchett!!!!!

This is seriously of the greatest performance by an actress of this era.. She is
absolutely da greatest actress in hollywood. shr is even better than Meryl Streep,
Kate Winslet and others. So Wat do u guys say????


She's pretty good. I wondered if Dylan really rubbed his mouth the way Blanchett did in the film, but yes, she was really good in this film.


Yes, and also rubbed his chin. I actually do that a lot too.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


He did, you see it a lot in old interviews of him.

Also, CasseroleWorshipper your signature. Kudos to you. The Salton Sea is a wonderfully under appreciated film.


Absolutely...superb actor. I won't say she's better than Streep (that's almost sacrilege!) but is clearly of like caliber. Like Streep, she takes on a character body and soul, becomes that person. I love watching her. You'll need to check out the rest of her films now, & I'll venture to say you won't be disappointed in any of her performances, whether you like the film or not!

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up...we'll all get up...IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!"


Yes, I agree although I still won't say she's better than Streep.

Streep, Blanchett, Winslet, Connelly= greatest actresses working today.


idk about connelly but you forgot marion cotillard. la vie en rose was amazing. helen mirren. there are plenty of others


I would put Julliane Moore, Nicole Kidman and may be Julie Delpy in the same league


anyone know if it was her voice in the singing parts? when singing "Ballad of a Thin Man" for example, or was it someone else's voice?


fuzzbubble626-No, it's not Cate's voice. If I remember correctly I believe her part is covered by Stephen Malkmus & the Million Dollar Bashers doing both "Ballad of a Thin Man" & "Maggie's Farm".

Masey3-Agree with everything you say. I don't think it's a matter of either actor being better than the other--each have their own unique, impressive attributes--but Cate certainly is a brilliant actor in every sense of the word and was superb in this film. One of my favorite Cate performances by far.

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence-R. Fripp


Cate was mesmerizing. Perfect performance.
Todd Haynes have a great idea.

Cate Blanchett is one of the best actress of all the times !


you have no idea what you talkin' bout...


I guess I saw it too late and heard too much praise. She is excellent, but she often makes Dylan look flaming. Since her scenes are based on _Dont Look Back_, which I've seen twice, it was a bit off-putting.


I agree with you, but I won't say she's better than Streep though.

I wonder does Dylan's mannerism is exactly like what Blanchett portrayed in the movie? Like the way he rubs his lips and eyes, the way he sings, the way he holds the cigarette.



Butterberry, I wondered about that too. I don't know, but I imagine she's studied him.
In any case, she was absolutely mindblowing - her version of Dylan was the only one where I forgot I wasn't watching Dylan himself. I did like Ledger and the boy too, but Blanchett was just so fantastically convincing. I still remember being impressed with her delivery of a line towards the end of the movie: "Everybody knows I'm not a - folk singer". Perfection!

-Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded-
