IMDb staff

has rated this film a 5.6/10.

What's the deal? No taste for music and poetry and incredible acting/cinematography?


The film is technically brilliant, but the movie is jumbled and bordering on non coherent and there's no emotional connection.


I agree. Except I don't think the movie is 'technically brilliant'. It really is a mess. Of course, some people go out of their way to admire obtuse things.


I'm so happy I don't work there. They usually don't like good films so they can't be any fun to work with. :)

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


It was, for me, one of the rare bio-pics to actually do something more interesting than trying to find a childhood event that fits into a two minute flashback, which explains EVERYTHING. This was a great movie, that said more about Dylan, and "Dylan", than anything else that could have been done conveniently.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
