does anyone....

does anyone know what has become of the girls since the release of this film??


yea i wanna update about them too


I really want an update!!!!!!!

Long live the rose that rose from concrete...


not sure if youve had an opportunity to watch the audio commentary, but if not... the film maker says at one point that Shenae is doing some public speaking around the Baltimore area. she later says that Shenae has a baby and is living with her grandmother who helps her. the babies father was helping originally but shes not sure if the father is helping anymore. shes still in school and "still has her eye on the prize"

megan is still struggling, she has had a lot of people contact her trying to help her but isnt ready yet. shes still moving around from house to house staying with friends and surviving.

thats all just according to the audio commentary



aww Megan baby let some help in! seriously, girl! I'm really pulling for you! You've got people who believe in you. But, at the same time, you can't do it to please other people, you've got to want to help yourself, you've got to want happiness and success for yourself.

Baby girl needs to realize all that's great about her for herself, we - the outsiders - can't just keep telling her these things.

Oh yeah Shenae is a married mother of three and owns a business and helps run another one. She's doing great and she's using her tumultuous childhood to help and change the lives of girls going through what she did. Go Shenae!

And, Megan, if you're reading this - YOU can do it too. YOU can make it too; it's in you.

There are 2 types of girls in this world: Girls that run sh|_|t, and girls that take sh|_|t


I found this Baltimore Sun article about Shenae from 2008.
