cliff's bell bottoms

You had to be a serious outcast freak to wear bellbottoms in the 80's, they were fashion death, all the headbangers were wearing the stove pipe ankle hugging black jeans back then. Here comes Cliff, playing bass like a *beep* and wearing bellbottoms to boot. Way to go Cliff!

"Surrender Dorothy!"


Right on Cliff !!


Yet another reason why Cliff is the greatest person ever.


The thing that impresses me the most about Cliff watching him in the live performances- aside from the awesomely outcast bellbottoms and stellar bass solos- is his headbanging. I don't think I saw him anytime on stage NOT banging his head. Obviously he didn't have to do much singing, but still his dedication to always doing the headbanging had me pretty impressed. Every once in a while he'd take a break, but not often at all. Very dedicated to his craft of heavy metaling.

"Watch out, he's got a candy cane!"
