'Vocea' (Flight of Icarus)

Can someone PLEASE give my the English translation of these lyrics?!?
I have seen the regular lyrics and for the life of me I have no clue what language it is. Help please?


It is Romanian and it means The Voice.
Do you mean the English translation of: 'Frumusetea ne vindeca de dezastru. Tamaduire prea indepartata...' from the CD cover? If this is the one you mean, I could try... please let me know. Chris (Australia)


Well there are technically no english translations of any of the lyrics, because all the songs are written in a language that Cirque invented called cirquish(sp?) and it is a combination of languages and sounds...so I'm not sure there nessicarily is an English translation. Sorry. I can always ask Kev and Andi though...they would know. cheers!
