Who else liked Rachel?

Even though she had her flaws, I love how she actually changed when her and Brooke became friends in Season 4. Out of all the support cast (up to S5), Rachel remains my favorite. Her sparkly personality really shone through in the series - in Season 4 I prefferd her to sulky Peyton. I wish they continued with Rachel. She added alot of fun dynamic to the show, plus she has some cool lines.


Thank you! Someone else who shares my opinion!

I loved Rachel (especially in season 4) and was devastated when they ruined her with stealing Brooke's money. Even with her acting as a conniving bitch though, I'll still take her over all of the other minor characters any day. Actually, scratch that, I'll take her over half the main cast too.

"Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose."


I liked Rachel with Mouth. They seemed to have a bond that the writers brushed off for the sake of keeping her as a screw up.


I stopped watching after Season 5 so I haven't seen her role later on. However she was my favourite in S4. Her and Brooke were absolutely awesome + I think they jelled well together. They were definitely more alike than Brooke + Peyton. Rachel is probably the main reason I watched S4.


I also loved Rachel in S4. She kind of annoyed me in S3, and I hated what they did with her when they made her completely lose it over cooper. I thought it was totally out of character for her.

But in S4 I loved her. Her and Brooke's friendship was hilarious. I love how they were like best friends and still made fun of each other all the time. "You're gonna have to run a marathon to get rid of that a$$." Hahaha


I didn't like her in the beginning, but when Brooke and her got closer, I started to like her. But then she went wacko with Nathan's cousin.


I absolutely LOVED Rachel! I got into OTH as season 4 was airing and I used to look forward to the Brooke/Rachel scenes. They had great chemistry and you can tell Sophia and Danneel really got along fantastically. I was really bummed to see what they did with Rachel's character in the later seasons... treat her like just another recurring character on the OTH shelf and magnify all her small flaws to be her main personality traits when we saw what a warm, large hearted and good person she really was in season 4. I think the later seasons just sucked altogether but that's a different post for a different thread


I think the problem with the character of Rachel, is if they left her on the show, she would have to eventually redeem herself so she could continue to be part of the group, and if she did redeem herself she just would have been Brooke 2.0


I do think Rachel was good but just always messed up under stress. She's by far not my favorite support character though, I think Skills has to get that honor


I don't really like what S5 did with her, but I loved Rachel by the end of Season 4
