MovieChat Forums > Yeah Right! Discussion > 'Yeah Right' - the music?

'Yeah Right' - the music?

Regarding 'Yeah Right'

Probably one of the best skate films ever made, but does anybody know about the music credits? All of the songs are fantastic but I don't know who they are by, can anyone provide a song list?


If you keep on watching after the movie is done, the credits will roll. At the end of the credits the music credits are there. But, good luck finding some of the music. I wanted the opening music for one of my films and it turns out it was never released on CD. It was just for this movie. I think Fatlip helped out on a couple of songs. Anyway, I know that this doesn't really answer you question, but it'll lead you on the right path.


who is tha band that plays when eric koston skates


Frank *beep* Black, former Pixies frontman. this video has such good music. Probably partly cuz Spike Jonze has great taste.


as of now the site seems a little outdated, but yeah right is there.
