MovieChat Forums > Echoes of Innocence (2005) Discussion > to the writer of the featured user revie...

to the writer of the featured user review...

It's one thing to criticize the quality of the film; quite another to bring to it your own prejudices about what is "realistic" in today's world for young people and pan a film because of those prejudices. Whether you like it or not, whether you live by that ethic or not, the fact is that _some_ kids do manage to live outside the prevailing ethic of "do it if it feels good, as long as you're old enough and 'ready,' and as long as it's 'not hurting anybody'"--the idea that sex is really for oneself, something one does with a series of "partners" according to when one is "ready," like being ready to go from junior-high football to high-school level, or high school to college. Whether you see the value in it or not, there are more than a few people who consider sex to be such a beautiful and valuable thing that they wait for the one person to whom they're committing an entire life.

I'm just saying, you know? And for those who think it's ridiculous, think about whether you'd rather have that now from the person you love, and whether you'd have liked to have given that to that person--the exclusive, once-for-life thing, for nobody else. Think about what it would've been like for it to be only you two. Think about what the world would be like if this were the prevailing ethic, and the implications for unwed pregnancies, STDs, heartbreak, the pressure particularly on young girls (but boys as well), the obsession with sex to the exclusion of nearly everything else at times for school-age kids, on and on. What you would lose would be a little indulgence. But what would you gain? You really think this wouldn't be a better world?

(Before anybody posts back to tell me what a sex-hating Puritan I am, I'm not talking about hating sex for one minute. Read it again, above. I'm talking about banging your socks off all you want with the person to whom you've committed your life.)

I know a lot of people who were promiscuous who are sorry later on, who even cry over it. I don't know a single person who waited who was sorry he/she waited. Not one.

Anyway...might as well post a review of an anti-war film that is obviously anti-war, and talk about how being anti-war is idiotic and unrealistic. If you're going to review the film, review the film. If you're going to project your own prejudice on it and insult millions of young people, find somewhere else.
