Just watched this

Christ, i laughed so hard at this movie. Rewound so many scenes.😁

It dawned on me that Tommy W is a guy who genuinely thinks he can act, write and direct, and this leads me to believe that he has some kind of mental defect, a theory which is also enhanced by Tommy's often aloof and distant-looking mannerisms and gaze. This made me feel bad... the entire world is essentially laughing at a handicapped person.

I will probably watch this movie again sometime tho.

I mean, there are a lot of bad movies and campy movies, like Sharknado etc. But those movies are tongue in cheek and made to make money and be a fun cheese-filled ride. This movie is so obviously trying to be a masterfully crafted tragedy, which is what scares me. The mere inclusion of scenes where you can see that the co-stars are clearly laughing at Tommy shows how deluded he is.

Another hilarious example is when Tommy goes up to the roof for his water bottle soliloquy... why his friend wouldn't acknowledge the appearance of Tommy for several seconds or that Tommy wouldn't see the guy as he comes out the door, I have no idea. But TW seemed to greenlight several scenes that made absolutely no sense at all.

There are just so many examples.... The flower shop scene represents the entire movie quite well in that it showcases the penchant for other characters to shower praise upon Tommy, and the appearance-cloaking properties of sunglasses.

Does anyone else feel bad for laughing?

Mouthal smell is a form of sensory input. See, if you listen carefully, you can hear the mouth.


I just finished it today, too. I agree – I think Mr. W. truly though he was pulling off a masterpiece.

Most of his acting is quite laughable, and the script is pretty bad, too.


I'm just gonna mention in passing to my daughter that I have cancer.

Mouthal smell is a form of sensory input. See, if you listen carefully, you can hear the mouth.


Why would anyone feel bad for laughing?

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Interesting question, especially considering the schadenfreude aspect of this.

Well, you see, I am very empathetic and find it to hard to reconcile with my ethics that I'm laughing at what is little more than a deluded person thinking he's a master film maker. But I'd never insult him personally or laugh in his face.

Mouthal smell is a form of sensory input. See, if you listen carefully, you can hear the mouth.


I know what you mean to a point. Especially learning that he got into some bad car accidents and being lead to believe that he likely has some brain damage or something. But at the same time, this is a complete vanity project, and when somebody is makes something out of sheer arrogance and misses the mark as catastrophically as this it's just comically sublime.

And, by the way, he's fully embraced the reception of this film and claimed he intended it to be received this way all along, and he's squeezed every some out of it that he possibly could. So all of that does make it a bit easier to laugh with it, and at it.

I'd recommend seeing this movie with an audience. The crowd really adds another element of fun. There's a lot of participation involved and they'll point out things you didn't notice.


I don't think I'll ever get to see this with other poeple

Mouthal smell is a form of sensory input. See, if you listen carefully, you can hear the mouth.


Well, I don't know where you are located, but it's pretty accessible. It's on a pretty regular rotation in a lot of theaters and tours regularly also. It's worth seeking out.
