Eddie Izzard?..

I'm confused: when Susan Sarandon goes to church, she's greeted by the priest with the line "What's this, the return of the prodigal daughter?"... Now this priest is definitely Eddie Izzard, yet the cast list has him playing Gene Vincent, and the only priest listed is Michael McElroy... Can anybody elucidate?.. I couldn't finish this movie, BTW, too complex, too confused, and it is possible for a film to have too much music... I gave it an hour, but couldn't face the second half...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


Have just finished watching this myself and came on to see what reception it got.

I can't be totally sure as I wasn't watching that intently as was distracted for parts of it but I don't think Eddie was a priest. The priest was a black guy singing with the rest of the choir and later on he takes confession from James Gandolfini's character, Nick. If you noticed there was also a nun singing mingled in amongst the choir too.

Even though Eddie's attire had the illusion of being accompanied by a [kind of] dog collar. He was actually dressed in some kind of burgundy pinstripe suit or blazer with a long cuff dress shirt benneath it and I think the collar of which is just peeping over the top mimicking a dog collar.

He's also shown later on nearer to the end of the film once again at the organ and he has a plain black jacket and an open collared white shirt with the top button undone and a third time in what appears to be a black polar neck jumper. The priest is up at the alter wearing white vestments singing along with choir boys by his side.


Good answer (and the quickest I've ever had!), I didn't get that far before switching off... TVM

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
