Drake's Power?

Anyone know if Drake had any powers he seems to be just an average joe with a gun but when I rewatched the movie I noticed he did some pretty cool stuff. Once he survived a fall from a hundred foot drop unscathed and the near the end he ripped off the manible of a giant bug and stabbed him with it. So it is it possible that Drake has at least some form of super strength? I once watched a show where one guy said that if a beetle was the size of a tank it would take something close to a artillery shell just to pierce it's shell. Even if he doesn't have any powers those two feats makes him either extremely strong or extremely lucky. Also am I right to assume Joker is just really smart mastermind type guy or does he have powers as well.


Heh-heh...poor Drake.

Yeah, he doesn't have a power. He has to keep up with all these people with super-powers, and he's just some guy! A guy who plows through anything in front of him, and just keeps going. Until it's time to go home and make pottery.

Giggle. I love Drake.


I think the fact that he has no powers makes him even better kinda like Batman without the akward I put a minor in severe danger thing. He's an American stereotype but in a good way I like him better then the U.S President that completely loses it in the end and tries to luanch a nuke. Thanks for the response.


Oh, I agree entirely: the fact that Drake had no special power was one of my favourite things about him. All my favourite characters from this universe are the ones without special powers.

Drake, definitely - he did a lot to set to rest my slight unease about the show's (ahem) slightly biased presentation of Americans. ^^

Wendy - her only possible special ability is the ability to fall down repeatedly, and just hop right back up again, unfazed. Or almost supernatural cuteness, which Yomiko decidedly shares. ^^

Joker - I think you're right about Joker just being a really smart guy with a lot of charisma. I've heard convincing arguments for his ability for manipulation being a superpower, but I like him a lot better when he's just a reall smart, persuasive guy. ^^


I just saw this, so please bear with me.
First I'd like to say that Drake is a pretty cool character. And if you watch the R.O.D the Tv series, you'll see that despite his not having powers. He's well informed and knows his enemies and is pretty much ready to deal with them, powers or no.
Dake is also very honorable.
As for Joker, well, I haven't completely seen the whole series, but he's definitely not the same person he was in the OAV.
However, he must still possess a great deal of charisma and influence, because Wendy's still with him, only she's not as clumsy. And with what he's up to, it's surprising to see how much support he has.
