American Attidtude

In this movie the American preident is a panicy, flackey, unstable fool that wets his pants at every moment of great turmoil. What is this saying about the the American executive branch, or further more, americans in general. When new york was being terrorized, the only american answer was to send countless apaches to their deaths. Drake follows this patteren as well. Its the idea of Less talky more shooty that is present in several forign and domestic films. What do you think?


I believe it is an accurate display of how President Bush seems to act. He panicks and rushes into attack mode and "wets his pants" whenever theres any slight turmoil. I find it humorously accurate... especially when he says "nuc-u-ler bombs."


Well, at any rate, it is the popular view of him. I thought that it was a bit much when he kept peeing himself though, I mean... come on.

Then again, it's still the only side the media or any other art form will present of him, and therefore the view most people take, so what can I do? I suppose Bush'll just keep being portrayed as this, I mean if we don't defend the leader of our country, why should other people believe he's not like that for real?

I shall allow no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him


Well, the president does take the correct action toward the end, though.


When a large portion of the world's population is about to be killed by this contraption rising up out of the water, the logical choice is to destroy it even if you sacrifice a whole carrier battle group with over a thousand sailors and pilots and a few of the Queen's library agents. After all, they did sign up to be warriors and would be saving their families by doing it. The library agents might be allowed to mess around for a while trying to save the carrier group, but the nuke should be on the way once they were captured.

What we're observing in this series is the Japanese inferiority complex. In Japanese culture, the only foreign country that really matters is the USA. The Japanese bow down to their export culture, even more than we anime fans praise Nippon. So some anime creators like to portray the US as bad guys at every opportunity. I'm a European, and I think this nonsense is stupid and made me enjoy the OAV far less than I otherwise would. Just cutting the peeing would bring it up 1 point.

Enjoy your incontinence, Masunari Kouji-kun! :-)

By the way:
1: If there's a big red button on the launch console, that's going to be the emergency stop, not the launch confirmation.

2: Bringing an airplane carrier ship that close to a hostile area is stupid. A few of the destroyers might come in close, but the carrier would stay far away and send airplanes in. Well, if they had an Evangelion unit on board, comming in close would make sense ;-)

Other than that, I enjoyed this somewhat.


That was an intelligent and well thought out comment. I laud you for your oratory.


You have to take it with a grain of salt. We all know the Japanese have something against the Americans deep down even if a lot of stuff seems pro-Americana at times. But the R.O.D. OAV and series like Gasaraki show the dislike they have for such an imperialist power. In R.O.D., it is somewhat tongue-in-cheek and embarassing showing the UK outdo the US time again. But in other shows, it can be quite rabid and stupid, like Gasaraki which, somehow, has Japan winning a war against them (bizarre thing is, that series predicted the Iraq WMD fiasco).

Having watched R.O.D. again last night, I still find it good satire if anything. I mean the British Library Special Forces? I'd love to join them!


yeah, Japan winning a war against america is pretty ridiculus if you ask me.



A classic example of American superiority complex?


O.K. let me clarify:
America being defeated by present Japan= crazy
America being defeated by crazy future mecha Japan= A definate maybe


Well the vietnamese sure kicked your asses, so....


And we'll damn kick yor asses again if you wanna humiliate yourself again. Vietnam rules!

mep merk merk mep - kobold saying


First off, i sure as hell dont wanna *beep* with Vietnam again, and to anyone who says otherwise, we DID lose.

Secondly, I loved the presidents southern accent in this movie. It was so obvious that it was supposed to be Bush, I cracked up hard when he ran for the nukes. heh heh...good stuff


"58,148 Americans were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.59 million who served."

"The number of North Vietnamese killed was approximately 500,000 to 600,000. Casualties: 15 million."

(statistics courtesy of

America really shouldn't have "lost" the war (and in my eyes America didn't). The only thing that defeated America in Vietnam was America itself (i.e. the anti-war movement). I believe one of the North Vietnamese Generals actually attributed part of Vietnam's "win" to the anti-war movement in one of his books.

Next time you say something like whether America won or lost the Vietnam War, ask yourself if you believe what you believe because of research or because of what you were told.

(Sorry, but Vietnam is a bit of a sensitive subject for me because my dad is a vet.)



I am an American and I thought that was a little too stereotypical. How are we suppose to have world peace if we can't try to get along with each other?

I think everyone is way too hard on Bush. I mean he's not perfect or the best President we've ever had but using him as an example that all Americans act like him is just stupid.

I think it's amazing how we try to at least help other countries and everyone hates us for some reason. The way they showed the American government in Read or Die was an insult.

Trust me, not all Americans are a bunch of power-hungry racists. We have good in our country too. I just don't think it's fair to see all Americans that way. :)


This is more likely a parody of Clinton. Bush was elected at the end of 2000, and this film had to be nearing the end of production by the time Bush was elected. The voice on the English soundtrack sounds very Clinton-like, but the Japanese actor has virtually no accent (not to me anyway, but I'm not a native speaker). Either way, I'm a patriot, and I still thought it was pretty funny! I think you all are reading too much into it. It's not a profound treatise on the American government, it's just a parody of the classic American Cowboy that turns pussy when things get rough.

Still LMAO :)


They were probably just spoofing Clinton or the stereotypical gung-ho American president.

Or it was accurate proof of how incredible we British people are.

^_^ Rule Britannia.


...or maybe they're just attacking the British issue?

My favorite seasons on The Amazing Race are season 3, 5 and 9!


When the first American portrayed in the movie was the President, I thought "Oh, no. Here we go again with the Americans are stupid, gun-toting inferiors." But, I was pleasantly surprised that only the President is shown this way (granted, all American characters are somehow related to the military or government).

Case in point, the Americans are allies to the British. Drake Anderson is American. The investigator talking to Drake at the damaged Library of Congress sounded incredibly intelligent (at least in the dubbed version).

Even in the TV series, the U.S. is seen as allies to the U.K. (albeit, they did not realize they were being deceived by Joker's world domination plan). Drake shows honor and true friendship towards Yokimo and the Paper Sisters. The American troops did nothing stupid or ill conceived. And they accepted orders from the British Library, moreover from Wendy; no "I'm not taking orders from a woman" attitude.



>> In this movie the American preident is a panicy, flackey, unstable fool that wets his pants at every moment of great turmoil. What is this saying about the the American executive branch, or further more, americans in general. When new york was being terrorized, the only american answer was to send countless apaches to their deaths. Drake follows this patteren as well. Its the idea of Less talky more shooty that is present in several forign and domestic films. What do you think?

I know that the American president peeing himself offends the patriotic senses of some Americans. This is a common knee-jerk reaction. I am American, and I feel such a reaction is an overreaction. A few of my reasonings:

i) It is likely not aimed at any one US president. In context of the story, consider the 1980s hit MTV video _Land of Confusion_ , where the going-senile president Reagan wakes up in a nightmare and slaps the nuclear button. This is a level of intellectual satire that some just will never get. And that is sad, I think.

ii) Consider the fact that even Americans love to make fun of their own presidents, and that US presidents have become used to that fact. It doesn't matter whether the fun is with a Democrat making fun of a Republican president, or vice versa. It has been especially the norm for most all of modern time (post WWII) in the US.

iii) Remember that the first Ijin (cloned super-villain) completely destroyed critical parts of Washington. To be taken out that decisively would likely scare the daylights out of any president, US or otherwise.

iv) The insidious brilliance of the antagonist cloning elite villains to help do his dirty work of world destruction demands the elite team of British services and Yomiko's extraordinary powers to step in and stop it all. The Japanese actually love a lot about America, but they also love the British, and the production chose Japanese and British forces to take the lead. The fall of the US leadership is just a convenient and humorous way of handling the way they wanted the plot to progress.

I know this won't change the mind of any Americans who are offended by it, but we should not take the wetting scenes too seriously. Japanese humor is often very subtle, and Yomiko's story is some of the most pleasing subtle humor I've ever experienced in a serious story arc.


2001, that's a bit soon for a satirical version of Bush. More than likely this was still in production by the time Bush was elected to office. After 9/11 he was at his highest ratings ever. He's not any more.

Anime is Forever


Good point. We should not hastily read too far into it. The Japanese have many cultural adn satirical subtleties that Americans do not understand. A good example is in anime, when a boy walks into a room where there is an attractive female, they sometimes depict the boy blushing deeply and getting a nose bleed. I've yet to hear a description of what is meant by that, even from very knowledgeable anime fans in America.


I definately thought the President was suppossed to be Bush when I first saw it. Peeing his pants was hilarious IMO. But this movie was definately made pre-9/11. I first saw it in 2004 and I remember seeing the WTC in the film so I knew it had to be made in 2001 but pre-9/11 if the President was suppossed to be Bush. But I suppose it could also be Clinton or as someone said just any US president in general.


Way late response to Skye Reynolds, but you would be correct in saying that their are Japanese that know the truth about the nationalist movement in their country.

There is a coalition of scholars and students who are trying to stop, and reverse the rewriting of their history books and want to acknowledge their history for what it was.

Including the genocidal atrocities of WWII.


I'm inclined to think it's intended to be aimed dually at Clinton and Bush. Though nobody knew in 2001 what he was actually going to be like, there was plenty of cowboy swagger silliness already in the campaign. Since I don't like either one of them, I can find it amusing either way (though I have to say, Clinton would have the sense not to show up there in person, where being poised in the dawn's early light on the front of battle is just the sort of image Bush would love), but with the dubbed voice it definitely becomes Dubbya.

That said, I agree with others here who've said it doesn't seem intended to reflect of Americans in general. It may be that we do too much arguing and complaining about our presidents for anyone to get the idea that they really represent the country in a meaningful way -- the President just isn't the symbol that, say, royalty is.


I wonder what R.O.D's version of Obama would be like?

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?
