2 Goofs

1) In the scene where Sophie is talking to Hughe as he is moving out, her blonde bleach lock is on the right, up until then and all thereafter it is on the left.

2) In the Chinese restaraunt when the waitress gives them the red platter with the fortune cookies, several dollar bills are on it, in the next shot the platter has moved and the bills are on the table, but no one ever touched it because they were reading their fortune cookie fortunes.

How do I submit these? Thanks!



Good catch but after listening to the Director's Commentary, he said that the streak in her hair moving from one side to the other was on purpose. He also said that he changed her from right-handed to left-handed throughout the movie and that he flip-flopped the layout of her apartment throughout the movie. He said he was trying to create a mirror-image of the first section of the movie - or like a photographic negative- or something like that. So that people could tell something was off but couldn't quite put their finger on what was different.

As far as your #2 goof, that looks like it was just a goof on the film-maker's part.


Another goof: When she looks at the newspaper article in the library, the date of the paper is November 7th. And the article states that the shootings took place around 10:25 at night. So if the shootings took place on the 7th, they would be in the next day's paper.
