Sadoko and Kayoko

I'm sorry but I want to see a ghost fight between Kayoko and Sadoko...I think Kayoko would win...let me know


You have to know that Sadako is a form of anger that she has build up for about euh... Did theys say in the movie that she lived 30 years in the dark before she died? I don't think that the "curse" of Kayako is as strong as Sadako because of this reason, but I found the method of Kayako how she hunt her victims much scarier, but THAT doesn't make her stronger than Sadako... I don't think you can compare the two with eachother.

I wonder, what if you watched the Ring in the house of Kayako? Then you are trapped with two curses!

reply'd be royally screwed then...


Well, here we are a decade later and that movie is finally being released this year.
