Indiana Jones and the Debaters of the Last Board.

I loved it.

I've been on IMDb since 1999 - I registered because of PHANTOM MENACE - and I have been active on various boards on and off, but the KotCS board was my favorite IMDb experience. EPIC discussions. 'fights', insults, laughs, frustration, victory, ridiculousness, all in all good fun (that last statement is not entirely true, it was brutal at times).

I was mostly active on this board from 2008 until about 2012 I guess, and I don't really remember the names of many of the people here at the time, except for two of the most fanatical opponents: Bluemeeniee and of course..... Bruhn.

Bluemeenie was banned eventually, and Bruhn is still probably in his Indy underwear parading his huge KotCS banner down his street, shouting how much the world hates KotCS. FACT!

And the movie?
Loved it then.
Love it now.

Indy forever!
