I have a question

What is this movie rated? It it suitable for teenagers to watch?


its rated r but there is a pg made for tv version. yes it is suitable for teenagers. if i were you i will go for the r rated version. it has all the good stuff like you know blood and heads being chopped off!!!

this is me!! so deal with it!!!!!



hmm it sounds pretty good...i gotta see it since i'm a big fan of Nick haha.


*Insane Laughter* Eeeeee-hehehehehehehe!! Heds being chopped off

(please don't mind me . . . )



I only saw this on TV, too bad for me, I want to get it on DVD so that I can see the heads actually being severed off , and i also want to know what Nick said to Ian about treating the girl right or else...


It is not too gory. there are two or three nasty scenes, but nothing like "Friday the 13th" or even Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow". It is made for young teens IMO. Go watch it, you'll like it.

I'll be back
