funniest scene...

Brody: It looks real... OH MY GOD! it is real!

thta made me crack up

but do u like nick with longer hair or short hair? my sis liked him with long hair, i liked him with short hair...





Yeah Alex that was so figgin funny i nearly pissed myself, i wondered was he trying o generly act or was it for the crack. what accent was it?.


Nope...Nope.. Nope..

The Funniest scene was when Erica screamed "The Headless Horseman!" - and a girl on the Float said, "There's no such thing" - to which Erica replied "Then what the hell is that!?"

That was wicked funny - no pun.


haha I just watched this last night and I thought the part you're talking about is funny.

He's like, "Help, help, oh help! *beep* LMAO Then after Brody(Nick Carter) gets him out of the car and the guy is like, "Okay, we've go to go help the Teacher." and Nick was like, "NO WAY! I'm going back to the good side of the bridge!" lol That was hilarious.

I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fxcks once or twice a year! ~Jack Twist


omg, I was reading this posting while watching the movie and I started laughing just imagining the scene...when it actually happened I was literally ROFLMFAO!! I couldn't even watch the rest of the movie because I would just keep picturing that one scene and cracking up...It was worth seeing for that alone

"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity." Hanlon's Razor


I thought that was hilarious! Also when he says Hey whos that guy?! Nick's got really great comic timing and I'd like to see him in more funny stuff. I like him better with shorter hair but still looked pretty good in this.


I thought the most hysterical scene was when the father was sitting in the living room and he keeps thinking kids are playing tricks on him, and then a pumpkin smashes through the window and he goes, "God damn kids!!"


This movie was extremely funny...

The funniest moments:
*When Brody said that his horse's name is Carter... (obviously)
*When Karen "loved" both Brody (when he rescue her) and Ian (she fell in love in one evening)
*When that old man beat that monster and the monster fell down from his horse...
*The monster was funny...

Nick Carter looked great in that movie! And he was only one there who could act...


The entire movie is ridiculous. Which makes it funny.

Kaley Cuoco: *Kisses Kevin Zegers*
-Something scary happens-
Kaley Cuoco: *Cuddles with Nick Carter*

...f.uc_king NICK CARTER!


My buddy and I turned it into Mystery Theater 2000 fodder. great laughs for we 2 it was...


Walter Brennan's mother made it watchable. Studman_Productions says it, too.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Actually ANY scene with that Nick Carter kid. What a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE actor. Was Corey Haim not available for this movie?

"Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold on to."


A ton of scenes with nick carter were so over the top coz he looked like he was trying to be gangster or something.

"whatsa matter junior? You look like you seen a ghost." ugh that scene makes me laugh and cringe everytime.


"Don't stop, don't stop!!! Oh forget it, just forget it. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" Funniest line big time.

If the movie becomes boring, make out with the person next to you.


All of Nick Carter's lines are funny.

But my favorite was when the grave keeper asks him to help and says your girl might be there. And Nick responds back with "She made her choice. She choose Junior".
