I thought I was going to cry.

This movie - and I say this with the utmost confidence - is by far the worst movie I have EVER seen in my life! The acting is horrible, and the screenplay is even worse. Anyone who has seen this movie most likely became dumber. Either that or turned gay. Luckily for me, my sexual preference has not been changed. I almost cried with joy when the credits rolled by. May God have mercy on both the writer and the director of this horrible mess.

Does anyone agree?




I agree. And you know what else? As soon as, AS SOON AS, I put in the video and it started playing, within five minutes I knew this movie wouldn't be too good and that I should have rented The Ugly instead.


"Either that or turned gay."

What does that have to do with anything?

Check out my official website @ http://FilmPix.cjb.net!


If you thought that was bad, watch Skinned Alive! ten times tackier, crappy hilarious acting, no point to the whole thing - but i liked it!!!


if you went into this movie thinking there was going to be good acting you're an absolute waste of skin.



Well if you couldnt wait for the credits why not just stop watching it?


My friends and I often rent this movie for every party we have... because it's so horrible, it makes us laugh! We pick it apart and laugh the entire time. Probably the best line in the entire thing: "I'm gonna suck your toes til you call me daddy." Hahahahahahaha. Oh... horrible movie... good to laugh at.


It surely can't be as good as:

Denise: *beep* you
Brandon: *beep* me? Well how about *beep* you?

If that isn't the worst comeback in the world I don't know what is.
