MovieChat Forums > How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (2005) Discussion > 5.9? How many of you have actually SEEN ...

5.9? How many of you have actually SEEN this movie.

Seriously, considering this IS one of the best movies this year (I generally put IMO after those but there is next to no competition right now), how could this possibly have a 5.9?

Have any of the 53 people that actually rated it a 1 seen the damn thing?


I agree! this is a really great film! One of the best I have seen in years! I can' believe that it is rated so low!


Please email me and let me know if there is a scene where two men and two women are dancing naked in one of the "porn shoots" Melvin gets his crew. I know one of the naked people and am dying to know if this made final cut. I didn't move fast enough to see it in the theatre but will definitely be buying a copy of the DVD.


This is a problem that happens way too often on this site. People voting low (or to a lesser extent high) for a film they have not actually seen. It occurs a lot when the movie has an all black or mostly black cast as well, regardless of whether the film is bad or good. I've been noticing this for years.

Many people exaggerate when a defend a film by saying its gotten mostly good reviews when in reality a movie may have actually gotten just a handful of positive reviews or at best split the critics down the middle 50-50. But its no exaggeration when I say that I have seen/read around 50 reviews for this movie online via newspapers, magazines, or web sites devoted to films. Only one of those reviews, only one, has been negative. In fcat last time I check it had a fresh rating of 95% on Rotten Tomatoes with only one reviewer (as I mentioned) disapproving of the film. That means that this movie is, at this time, one of the very top movies of the year based upon the opinions of the critics and you would be hard pressed to find any American film released this year that has gotten equal near universal praise. But somehow 53 viewers have come here to give this movie a "1" ranking?!? Uh-huh. Just shows you can't take the rankings on this web site seriously because users can't be counted on to be honest and to leave their own biases, personal politics, religious ideology, favortisms, etc aside when they vote. Many of them in fact won't even watch the movies they vote on at all.

If I was as small as those individuals I would counter and give the movie a "10." But I'm going to wait until the movie actually comes out in my area, see it and then make hopefully my OBJECTIVE determination on the quality of the pic. In other words...I'm going to vote in the way that it should be done.


hilarious how you just assume because they gave it a 1 they havent seen it. perhaps, oh i dont me out, im having trouble figuring this out....oh yeah, thats it....THEY DIDNT LIKE IT.

"who needs reasons when you have heroin?"


Hmm you know that makes sense.

Okay no it doesn't. I disagree with the ratings for several movies (some entirely too high, some entirely too low, etc; ) but people are entitled to their opinions.

For this flick, there seems to be NO opinion on it. 54 ratings of 1 and not a full-on negative review in sight - plenty of name bashing "What a stupid name! oh and hell, what a stupid concept!" but nary an actual negative comment on the film itself.

It's annoyingly suspicious is all.

Thanks for the sarcasm, enjoy your syringe.


its a quote from an actual good movie called Trainspotting, you should give it a try, notice the quotation marks around the QUOTE. Maybe they just gave it a "1" because they did not like it and did not want to waste their time writing a review.

"who needs reasons when you have heroin?"


I also find it suspicious. This film has been nothing but critically acclaimed. There ususally isn't such a big gap between critical acclaim and votes on this site. After all, we're mostly film fans that love good film. I think people just don't like the original title. I doubt that many people have even seen the movie yet. It's a small indie film. When people actually see the film the rating should go up.

Does anybody remember laughtah? - Robert Plant


But seriously people, I'm quite suprised as well. I think that racism is dragging the film's rating down. Maybe if more people see it the rating will jump up... not to mention that I love the title.

I've got a foot on the end of my arm


Oh yeah, thats gotta be it, "if you dont like this movie, or any other movie directed by an african american with mostly african american actors you are just a stupid racist."

"who needs reasons when you have heroin?"


Yeah because we know not one white person has ever, ever, ever prejudged a film with a black cast and labled it as trash before ever seeing it. Totally unrealistic.


Lots of Southerners and whites LOVE this movie.

It's OBVIOUS that some a**hole came in and put in a bunch of "1" votes, so as to bring the high score down. A**holes come in ALL colors!

I wish people would complain to IMDB to make them take all those "1"s out. If you look at the scale of ratings, it's impossible that they are genuine. There are more "10"s than anything. Then, the numbers slowly go down. Then, the "1"s jump back up to as many as the "10"s.
Oh well...that's why this world is so screwed up!


People on this site have been giving bogus ratings (positive or negative) for an eternity. Open your eyes. Lack of accountability has always been a problem on the internet. With all the great reviews this film has received and considering the limited release of the movie, its highly unlikley that such a heavy number of voters who actually saw the film would be that out of tune with the reviewers and give the film "ones" in the rankings. Is it impossible? No. But an educated person, which I guess is not a description that fits a troll like you, can actually put two and two together and figure out what's going on. Even more suspicious is the lack of negative reviews written in the comments section. If sooo many people voting on this site thought negative of the movie shouldn't there at least a couple of them written annegative rewview to express their opinions in more detail? That nonsense line of yours about how people who think negative of this movie not feeling its worth time to write a review proves you're either very gullible or a moron. Yes, most people who vote don't write lengthy comments on the movie. But a steady perecentage does and so far not one person who thought the movie was so awful that it deserved a one has actually taken the time to dissect the film and point out why its so bad. Maybe you haven't read too many of the comments attached to the films on this website, but people here get a kick out belittling a movie they feel is wretched with lengthy, devestating reviews. So don't get mad at those of us who can smell a rat. Now why don't you run along now and spare us from your repetitive rebuttals.


- thehawk83, I think you're being disngenious. Given the relatively low per screen average and the fact that the movie is only in TWO cities, it is pretty clear that A LOT of people haven't seen the movie. Certainly not enough you generate the number of votes on this site.

As of this writing 64 people (29.4%) gave it a one. A ONE. That's absurd. Very few films are THAT bad. When I saw the film, the audience gave it a standing ovation.

IMDb definitely needs to do something about their rating system.


did you watch it at the Van Peebles household? Mario was good in that werewolf movie.Melvin however, not so much.


Nope, though funny. I saw it twice at Sundance, where it received standing Os both times. Did you actually seee the movie?


I've also seen all of the great revues. And, I've seen the movie. It's incrediblew! Just keep telling your friends to go see it.


but incrediblew?



Yep, I thought it was incredible, considering it was done independently on a smaller budget. Many people found it inspiring.


nkemp3, there is definitely some truth to what you are saying. I noticed the same thing with "The Brothers" a few years ago. A huge number of people gave that film a one also. I see a lot of films every year, including several bad ones, but few that I would even consider giving a one.

To me the tip off that something funny is going on is the extreme constrast between 1 and 10 votes. Also, there is a bigger difference between 1 and 2 votes than 9 and 10 votes.

Perhaps, there should be a breakdown of votes by race. That might give one a more complete picture of what is going on. That's the only explanation I can give now.


Unfortunately, there's a LOT of racism going on these boards. Almost every black entertainer or movie about black people have racist posts on their boards.

Does anybody remember laughtah? - Robert Plant


1)I actually think "Brothers" probably deserved a "one" or a "Two" at best.

2)I do not think its necesaary to break down the race of individuals who vote. That's a little much. Besides...what's to stop posters from lying about their race like they lie about everything else (including lying about seeing a film and then voting on it).




Yeah, to me it seems that most people lack the patience to rate the movie the way it deserves to be rated.

Mostly idiots.


I don't buy the argument that people who like a film a little or for the most part disliked a film will vote in the extremes "ten"/"one" when they rate that movie. I think that the vast majority of people who see a movie and vote on this site give films a ranking that is as close as posible to their opinion of the product. I think the bigger issue that is troublesome is that people here will vote on films without actually seeing it first. And these individuals will vote either the highest number or the lowest number in order to get the effect and overall ranking that they want. In other words they have an agenda. Unfortunately I also think race comes in to play from time to time too.


Ok while I'm inclined to agree with you all that some of the people gave this movie a "1" just because of its title and not because they saw it. I strongly disagree with the notion that the reason they did it was because it stars a bunch of black people. People on IMDB stuff the ballots for movies (both positive and negative) all over this site. Take for example the active campaign to give Gigli a bunch of 1s. While Gigli almost certainly sucked (never saw it) it got a disporportionate number of votes to the people who actually saw the movie (it had a horrible box-office). And how do I know that this was a ballot campaign? Because I received two e-mail chains from other people on this site telling me to "join the benlo haters and vote gigli a 1". The problem of people voting to movies they havent seen is indemic to this site and is not targeted racially at "only black movies". This movie is probably not a "1" but don't get pissed off and theorize of a conspiracy against it because it was directed by Mario Van Peebles. Hell no one even knows who that is. People saw the title (and not too many people as you can see) and voted it a 1, end of story.



1)I for one have already pointed out numerously that this happens frequently on this site for all types of films.

2)That being said as a black person like myself who have been drawn to keep an eye out on the opinions of black films more than perhaps someone of another race would, I have repeatedly notice over the years the countless comments by posters who bring up race and make comments such as "all black films are stupid" or "why are they still making these trashy black films", etc. Some of those messages were much nastier and ended up being pulled by the moderators. Anyway the point is that many posters looked down at any movies with an all or mostly black cast. Hey, there are a bunch of crappy black movies out there and new ones arrive regularly. But these individuals I'm referring to don't make the distinction between a film like, say, "Antoine Fisher" and a movie like "Soul Plane." Even worse a bunch of times it seems as if people start voting even before the films come out.

3)One doesn't have to know Mario Van Peebles to get an impression about this film, rather right or wrong. The title of the movie itself alone makes it stand out and indciates that it is a, shall we say, "urban" motion picture.


This movie has gotten nothing but rave reviews from every major critic in the country. I'm talking "top 10 movie of the year" reviews. I'm talking "Oscar consideration" reviews. This may be the best reviewed movie of the year so far. And this movie is barely playing anywhere so I highly doubt that many people have seen it. Name one movie with such reviews that has such a high percentage of "1" votes. This is clearly an example of the scary racism that occurs often on the imdb boards.

Does anybody remember laughtah? - Robert Plant


I think the ONLY solution to stopping this voting problem is to only allow each user to vote once. That way, one person won't be able to go in and flood the board with LOW VOTES just because they want to slam the movie.

And guess what else? If you go look at the demographic chart for the voting, it says the peson who submitted the low votes is a woman over 45 year old. Maybe it's an old spurned girlfriend of Melvin Van Peebles? : )



I'm so glad you liked it.

I play Brenda, the adult film voice-ever actress, when Melvin comes to meet with David Allen Grier's character. It was a blast to film!


I saw this film two weeks ago in NYC. It was brilliant. I give it a 10 and a A+ i cant even remember the last time i went to a move and people clapped (and this was a 4 pm saturday afternoon showing !)


Exceptional film. Mario's been making such obscure crap for so long it's a shock to see something this great come from him.

Excellent writing, acting, directing, editting, music, etc. It's rare I have pretty much zero complaints about a film. I feel lucky to have seen it. I catch about 150 movies a year and this one stands out.


Clearly manipulating the ratings on IMDb listings has become a game for people with way too much time on their hands and utterly no sense of responsibility. These are the same sort of people who set off flame wars just to have an effect in the virtual world, since they never have one in the real world.

I wish even conscientious people were more judicious with their ratings; it seems to me a 10 here should be reserved for only the most outstanding movies of all time; 10s should be rare. Same with 1s--should be reserved for the worst movies of all time, not failures like GIGLI. There are a lot of numbers available for voting on the IMDb between 1 and 10, but these 14-year-old would-be hackers rarely use them. People who care about movies and who respect others do use the whole range, and do reserve 1s and 10s for a tiny handful of films. But the ratings are driven by those who don't really care about others.



you know, with all this theorizing and racist conspiracy talk, everyone's forgotten the most obvious explanataion. People are jerks. Plain and simple. Especially on the internet. There are a lot of people who think that it's funny to mess up stuff, such as the ranking of this picutre. There are a lot of juvenile idiots out there. So before you go pulling the race card just think about that. People are just stupid. I think all the rave reviews may have even added to the number of jerks that came on giving it 1's.

Now I have yet to see this film, but I am highly looking foward to getting the opportunity, though I'm sure I'll have to wait till the dvd comes out. Regardless, I think it looks very good and could very well be Mario Van Peebles' defining moment as a actor and as a director. But I'll reserve my final judgement until I have seen it.


I disagree with Dennis Hopper comment. He has a much longer and respected track record. and yes that movie with Kiefer Sutherland was unforgivable.


Yeah, it seems like most of the ratings of films on this website are "1"s or "10"s. I agree that most of these people giving it ones or tens have not seen the movie and are just basing it on a trailer or on what another critic had said, or political, moral, and religious beliefs. Another point that has been brought up is that people can't critique well. I agree with them both, I have seen this happen far too many times... People talking about how terrible some movie is and then you ask if they've seen it and they say they haven't, but somehow felt as if they could critique it fairly anyway. There should be a rating test sort of thing when people join, but it'd be hard to make it fair as well. It's truely hard to fix. For now I just ignore most of the ratings.

"Morality is only an evidence of low blood pressure." -Jack London


I agree that troublemakers post 1s without seeing a film. But, in the case of BAADASSSSS!, I think many people who saw the movie gave it a 1 vote. The film is wonderful and deserves high positive votes.


I saw this movie last night...finally came to my area.
I'd give it an 8.5.
It was a great movie, but not perfect.
Perfect movies are so few and far between.
The nearest to perfect movie I've seen this year, at least by my standards,
was Eternal Sunshine. But I'd only give that movie a 9.5...

Either way, how anyone could give this a low ranking is beyond me...


i finally saw that movie on DVD. i heard that it was pretty good a while ago but i needed to see that for myself. my boyfriend thought it would be crap just from the title, but i FORCED him to watch it. we loved it. it was very well acted, cheesy and funny, and the cinematography was just awesome. a low rating for this movie is just inexplicable IMO, and even if you don't like the subject of this movie there's just no way to give it a low grade. but oh well....

"say what you don't mean"
