Not that Good

I was expecting more from this movie, the book was excellent, but this movie didn't really do it justice. Some of it was pretty good, but I think they left out a lot and that just left it lacking. I also thought that the girl who played Cissy wasn't very good. Well I mean she was normally speaking, but when she had to get angry it just sounded so fake and scripted.


~ I know. I thought same about them not doing justice to the book. I mean the movie was okay, but they could've done better.



Having not read the book, there did seem to be something missing from the movie. For instance, perhaps this was explained in the book, what made her first two daughters so forgiving? I understand she had to save her own life, but how did she know he wasn't going to beat or kill her children? If she tells her daughters that he was extremely abusive to the point of trying to kill her, how would that make her daughters feel? "Thanks mom, we're glad you were safe while we were helpless and still in the house with an abusive mad-man".


Well, that's a good question when she made the decision to leave (there's not much time to think in that moment, however, and there's not much she could have done to help her children if she was, you know, DEAD). But the girls weren't hurt or killed and didn't even end up living with him, so that doesn't have much bearing on their later situation. His abuse was directed at Deliah, so I think she had to trust that in that split second.

And I didn't find the girls "so forgiving". I think they had resentment, obviously, but also knew what it was like to grow up without her and wanted to make some sort of a connection.



yeah it is kind of disappointing


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


Well, maybe not 4/10, I think it deserves at least 6. 5 minutes before the end of this movie I was going to give it 8, but then it ended in the middle of the story... I feel disappointed about the ending.


It was passable -is that a word? Well, you know what I mean. Aidan Quinn was the best part of the film. Great acting.


I saw the movie about awhile back and was not impressed,but I found the book in the used bin for 50 cents so what did I have to lose?What a difference and still another instance of the movie not holding a candle to the book.
