WTF DID HE SAY?????????

when he caught the bird. he said what it sounded like

"I was in jail for rape when I was 15 years old"

if thats what he said wtf did he mean by it?
if not what did he say????

My other ride is your mom


If you play the director commentary on the DVD, Wayne Ewing notes that here Hunter tells slight lie. He was once accused of rape as a teenager, maybe 15 or so, and was actually jailed at 18 for trying to knock of a gas station or something, but was not actually put in jail for rape at 15 as he tells the bird. I love that scene by the way, I think it is the best in the movie. I think he is just trying to sympathize with the bird and tell it that he has been in prison, too, and doesn't like being cooped up.


read his books people. it's all there.


great answer.


i actually think he says "50 years old" referring to his early 90s case.
