so is max retarded?

it sure seems that way.

bad horse.


I am thinking you might be on to something.


/why can't Max be as cool as Moose A. Moose?




I'm not gonna lie. Max drives me INSANE. My daughter is almost 3 and she loves this show. Max and Ruby is the only show that drives crazy. She loves Elmo and almost everything else on Noggin. I actually like most of the shows, but Max is unbearable. He may not be full-blown retarded, but there's definitely a degree of retardation going on there.

The person who does his voice must feel like a criminal when he cashes his check, because he only says one word per episode. He's awful and I'm trying to figure out how to phase them out with my daughter.


Max isn't retarded, but clearly the writers of this show are.

They clearly dont understand that 3 year olds are WAY past the stage of communicating one-word at a time. he doesn't even speak in phrases or anything. just one word. The writers must assume that every child under the age of 5 is stupid and cannot speak in short sentences, and cannot comply with simple rules. But then again, Ruby doesn't know how to SHUT THE HELL UP and let the poor little bunny speak, so that might explain why he only speaks in one word, he knows he wont get much out before big bitch opesn her mouth and interrupts him. Its a short, quick way to get his point across to big mouth Ruby. Hell, its a suprise that max doesn't still crawl like a baby.
or maybe the writers just dont have kids, or have never been around kids...they just come up with some preconceived notion of how kids behave. hell i could READ when i was 2 1/2 so i know a 3 year old max can say more than one word at a time.

or maybe 3 year old bunnies are just really that stupid..

i dont know..

oh yeah, and Ruby is trying to turn max into a girl. The episode about her birthday was just on, and she was like "you're supposed to thank your guests for coming, and tell them how pretty they look!" haha, i was like, "if he follows her advice, he's gonna catch a serious beat-down one day..." i could totally see a little brother taking his sisters advice and telling another dude how beautiful he looks. haha..

and Ruby and Louise will totally get married one day. During the birthday episode, Louise wrapped her present in wrapping paper with abstract crap all over it, and Ruby was like "whenever i think of squiggles, i'll think of YOU, Louise...." and she said it so lovingly and i was like " you wanna KISS her now, or what?!"

ughh. max needs speech therapy and ruby needs someone to put her in check. she's a huge lesbian bitch.


Well actually Max once said "Good night, Ruby" when she was asleep. So he CAN speak in sentences, he just chooses not to. I just don't think that you understand the complex psychology of Max, and that he has a trauma because his parents are dead and Ruby is taking care of him now.


Complex psychology of Max. I love it! I heard he's in therapy.


Complex psychology of Max. I love it! I heard he's in therapy.

^you know I am actually shocked something like this hasn't appeared in Robot Chicken. I mean Robot Chicken has spoofed Dora to a point so where is the Ruby and Max sketch?

In fact I've got it now. It could be a sketch imitating the Halloween remake with Max instead Michael Myers.



Ha! Yes, he's extremely retarded.

"Would you *beep* me? I'd *beep* me. I'd *beep* me hard."


No, he's a toddler.

Let me guess, your children memorized the dictionary by the time they were one year old and finished high school at the age of three.

What is wrong with you people?


lol too bad the definition of toddler defines toddlerhood ending at approximately 3 years old. WAIT, Max is 3 years old!!! sorry. try again later.

its not that we have children who memorized the dictionary, (i dont have any at all) but i've taken enough courses and spent enough time with small children to know that ANY 3 year old who says only ONE WORD a day, is either seriously behind, or suffering some sort of development problem. children his age group go through a TREMENDOUS growth in the language department, and it is a CRITICAL time for children to develop basic language skills. thats why it is encouraged for parents to TALK to their kids, even if they're only 5 months old...

we're not saying the kid should be able to just spout out long, intelligent sentences...but he should be able to communicate better than that. its always like "CAKE!!" and then ruby is like "no max, we cannot have cake until we play games..." and he still goes "CAKE!!!!!!!!!!" "Max, we can have cake we play games." and STILL, he goes ".....CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!" wow. i hope you aren't around too many 3 year olds who talk like that ALL the time. i mean DAMN! hell, ever seen a "your baby can read" commercial?! although i dont believe in paying an infomercial to provide you with something you can do yourself, its proof that kids are capable of more than you think. hell, i was reading at 2 1/2 years old, and read my first entire book at age 3.




And that stupid look he gets on his face. He needs smacked around.





Lol so much win in this thread


Not at all. Every 3 year old speaks one word sentences and excitedly bounces and claps his hands together


I can't watch this show, either. My 2 year old daughter likes it, but I can't stomach it. The lack of parents, the idiot Max, the annoying way Ruby talks. I can endure a lot, but not this.
